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  • ビジネス英語が得意
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  • アメリカン英語
  • イギリス英語
  • オーストラリア英語
  • 初心向け
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  • 上級者向け
  • 英検
I am a certified teacher in Canada. I teach high school English and English as a Second Language.
Hello! My name is Micaela and I am an English teacher in Canada. I will take care to correct you work naturally and without errors. I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (based on my local time, 13 hours difference).
I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and English, and also obtained my Bachelor's of Education in 2009. I have taught high school English, English as a second language, and career education for ten years here in Canada. I have also worked as a high school guidance counsellor. I especially love teaching English as a second language. I am also a freelance proofreader. I have taken extensive grammar courses and have experience proofreading English novels. I am married and have three children, two boys and a girl. They are adorable and so much fun. They take up most of my spare time! My favourite hobbies are interior design, writing, and gardening. Our family loves to travel together.
I have some wonderful IDIY clients and I look forward to working with each one. I promise to make your writing sound as natural as possible. I have a kind and gentle teaching approach, and do not worry if there are lots of corrections necessary. As I don't speak any second languages very well, I am amazed at the English abilities of all of my clients! Keep up the hard work!
  • nmkh


    Dear Micaela, Good morning! How are you today? I hope you are having a good Sunday. Thank you for your suggestions. I always appreciate them. I have understood every correction you made for me. Tenses are sometimes difficult to use properly,but I'll keep learning through your corrections! Have a nice day. Sincerely, nmkh

  • Noboru_Tsuzuki


    Many thanks for your feedback!

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your correction always. Please take care of yourself too. Sincerely, Tan

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your correction and always encourage me. See you soon. Sincerely, Tan

  • aries83485


    Thank you for good advice for improving my English writing skill. I also enjoy the explanation about Canadian situation you explain about in the comment.

  • hiro_hiro


    Hi Micaela, Thank you very much for your editing. My business trip in the U.S. was called off just a few days before the departure because of the policy the university made. Regarding test for the virus, it is very controversy whether anyone who have bad condition can take the test or not, like in other country. So far, the central government in Japan control the way or the process strictly in order to prevent hospitals from losing capacity to care people with deadly symptom. The government and specialists believe that so much people with slight symptom go to hospital, leading to collapse the medical system like Italy, if anyone is allowed to be tested. Not all of people do not agree with this policy, because there are some cases that even people who have high fever for days cannot be allowed for it, eventually she was founded positive. People are nearly panic and some spread demagogy through SNS, then they buy some items such as flu mask. As for food, some store have not stock of rice (which is staple food in Japan), but not all stores. It has not been a big matter so far. I plan to go to Canada to attend an international conference next July. I just wish everything would be normal. As far as I know, COVID-19 do not cause serious medical problem for kids and young adults. I hope you and your family have nice days as usual. Best regards, Hiro

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your correction and kindness message. Yes, the morning coffee time is like heaven for me even though I need get up at 5:30 am and go out at around 6:30 am. Have a great day ahead. Sincerely, Tan

  • nmkh


    Dear Micaela, Thank you very much for correcting my writing. If I were studying English by myself, I would overlook these mistakes you just corrected for me. I really appreciate IDIY as it promises us a great service by hiring wonderful teachers just like you! By the way, I made a rice ball for my daughter and Natto (fermented soybeans) on rice for my son the other morning :) Have a nice afternoon. Sincerely, nmkh

  • aries83485


    Thank you for correcting my English sentences. And your explanation about the customs and situation of your country is very interesting.

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your great correction. It’s a little busy day today, but I’m happy to see your massage here. Have a wonderful day. Sincerely, Tan

  • Tomomo_mo


    Thanks for checking my diary!! Have a great day:)

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your comment and feedback! Tomoo

  • Tomoofk


    Thanks for your corrections. I will make use of them! Tomoo

  • hiro_hiro


    I really envy you, Micaela. I needed to cancel my business trip today.

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your correction and kindness as always. I hope everything returns normal soon. Sincerely, Tan



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