Thank you for your corrections and kind comments!
Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand and useful. You also offered me a lot of alternative phrases. Thanks again!
Hello Mx. Dee, I appreciate your advice!
Thank you very much. Your advice is always helpful!
I just learned that "however" is not a coordinating conjunction. Thank you for your big help!
Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand, and the alternative phrases you offered me allowed me to expand my vocabulary. Thanks again!
Hello Mx.Dee I appreciate your corrections.
Thank you for your work!
Hello Dee, Thank you for your quick correction and giving me other expressions. I didn't know the idiom “be up to one’s eyes.” I would like you to take care of me again. Thank you so much. Yours sincerely, Sally
Hello Mx. Dee, I appreciate your great advice! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you very much for your corrections. Best regards,
Hi Dee Thank you for your decent reply. What I've learned from your lesson, I need to reduce the number of misspelling. Yet I was surprised that my errors were the least ever, so you gave me some confidence to me. Yes! I agree with you! I completely forget trying to take English test !! I'm sure I will remember what you told me when struggling with the topic. Thank you so much! Have a nice days and see you later! Yukiko
Thank you very much for your prompt correction and advice. Kind regards,
Hello, Dee. How are you doing? It's nice to see you here again. Thank you for the corrections you made on my essay. There was a shocking news yesterday. Ex prime minister Abe was shot to death while he was making a speech on the street in Nara city. I can't believe such a thing happened in my country. I hope to see you soon again. Bye for now.
Hello Dee! I appreciate your corrections.