Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. I agree with the importance of deep reading and note-taking when children raise their abilities of cognitive power. However, I am strongly concerned with visual aids and chatGPT on their smartphones and PCs. Since chatGPT has a power of making documents with auto-correction function, I am afraid that it may increase the children who heavily rely on their digital gadgets. Eventually, they may have difficulty in deep thinking and making persuasive documents as a result of lowering their self-thinking power. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. Thank you for corrections regarding article, number agreement, and prepositions. Your corections are useful to me. I agree that we should change daily lifestyle to be sustainable ahead of convenience. Since we were not aware of the danger of negative aspects brought by civilization, we have indulged convenient life. However, science has clearly showcased that we may have the dooms day if we don't transform society to be eco-friendly. Therefore, governments, companies, and individuals should collaborate to tackle climate crisis. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. Although instant gratification is common in a society, healthy aging has become popular to reduce their struggling duration after retirement in Japan. When it comes that they are aware of the benefits by healthy habits, the number of individuals, who practice prioritizing good health over the façade of diligence or company royalty, has elevated in Japan. Since Japan has changing drastically with a lot of elderly citizens, governments and companies should help them maintain healthy daily routines. As far as they are good in health, aging can become blessing for them while having a fun time with their families. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. Best regards, 5971mak
Thank you, as always.
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are useful to me. I think that there are two kinds of cafes; one is the place where customers enjoy tastes of a cup of coffee within around 20 minutes and the other is where guests enjoy cafes' atmosphere while staying there for hours with reading books and having a cup of coffee. As visitors can spend a luxurious time, these two different cafe styles are indispensable for citizens to have relaxing time. A cup of cafe can be helpful for them to have active and productive daily life unless not to drink too much coffee. Best regards, 5971mak
Hello, SaraRoseNY, I really enjoy reading your corrections. That's exactly what I wanted to write. Thank you so much. Lately, we learn many serious disasters happening in the world. In Japan big earthquakes occur more often than before. I'm scared a bit.... In addition, we will have terribly hot summer this year. Sorry for such negative ideas I wrote. I hope to see you soon again. Take care Yoko
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. As I am not proficient for article usage, number agreements, and word choices yet, your corrections are very useful to me. I always appreciate your kind corrections. As for Kyote, there is a large number of foreign people walking in a disorganized or unruly way everywhere. Even suburb districts of Kyoto, streets and local travel spots teemed with a lot of foreign travelers. I always avoid passing by a central station not to be involved with heavy crowds. While collecting lodging tax, local authority should increase travel guides, more information spots for foreigners, and installing live cameras for popular travel spots so that visitors can check the real-time chaotic situation just before they visit. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. I agree with the danger of skyscrapers like "tawamans" which are constructed in possibley affected regions with natural disasters. In particular, it is extremely dangerous to continue building high-rise buildings despite predictions of a major earthquake. The Tokyo metropolitan government should enact regulations to stop construction of such very tall buildings of many stories. Once a great earthquake hits Tokyo, dire devastations could be occurred and many people would be killed by the mega-trembles. Given the importance of the negative aspects of the "tawamans", more warning for possible dangers is indispensable to stop population concentration in Tokyo. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. Historically, the Japanese government and citizens have maintained an unique homogenous society while refusing acceptance of foreigners. For example, when Indonesia refugee crisis occurred on around 1990, the individuals escaping from oppression reached about 12000. The Japanese government was reluctantly accepted them because of instruction of the UN on the basis of international treaty for refugees. The government constructed temporary apartments near Tokyo and Osaka to accommodate them, but authority didn’t take actions for them to mingle with local residents. Little by little, the sufferers were alienated from residents and communities. Then, the government has started a project which implements refugee’s resettlement to third countries. As a result of the decision, most of refugees relocate to other countries such as the U.S. The government should be aware of the perspective calculated by the current low birth rate. Immigration policy should be transformed to accepting economic migrants as residents to stop the low birth rate. Although meticulous qualification rules are indispensable, the government should stop to hesitating acceptance of migrants. As for the Japan's imperial family, I think that the system symbolize gender inequality in Japan. One of the chief rules is women should be inferior to men even in current modern society. However, considering the importance of gender equality in a society, the rule should be developed to realize gender equality. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. I always feel the importance of hand writing to memorize appropriate words and para phrases. While continuing writing essays in English, I can feel elevation of skill for making sentences in English. It is fun time for me to raise my performance because I can be aware of my growth in writing English. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. I understood that I should have mentioned the survey results with more specific information. Best regards, 5971mak
Teacher SaraRoseNY Thank you for corrections that are helpful to me. Best regards, 5971mak
Thank you for your advice and messages. You always teach me how to express my feeling!