


  • 受験対策が得意
  • ビジネス英語が得意
  • 教員資格を有する
  • アメリカン英語
  • イギリス英語
  • オーストラリア英語
  • 初心向け
  • ジュニア向け
  • 上級者向け
  • 英検
I am a certified teacher in Canada. I teach high school English and English as a Second Language.
Hello! My name is Micaela and I am an English teacher in Canada. I will take care to correct you work naturally and without errors. I am available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (based on my local time, 13 hours difference).
I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology and English, and also obtained my Bachelor's of Education in 2009. I have taught high school English, English as a second language, and career education for ten years here in Canada. I have also worked as a high school guidance counsellor. I especially love teaching English as a second language. I am also a freelance proofreader. I have taken extensive grammar courses and have experience proofreading English novels. I am married and have three children, two boys and a girl. They are adorable and so much fun. They take up most of my spare time! My favourite hobbies are interior design, writing, and gardening. Our family loves to travel together.
I have some wonderful IDIY clients and I look forward to working with each one. I promise to make your writing sound as natural as possible. I have a kind and gentle teaching approach, and do not worry if there are lots of corrections necessary. As I don't speak any second languages very well, I am amazed at the English abilities of all of my clients! Keep up the hard work!
  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and comment! Tomoo

  • masaoka


    Dear Micaela Thank you for reading my English writing! I really understand the importance of using "would". I would like to improve my English writing ability more and more! I used to be a high school teacher. I had taught Japanese history. Take care! Sincerely, Masa

  • pugtsu


    Thank you very much. My wife is really a good wife and she is good at cooking Japanese and Italian. Nowadays, many young people using smartphones are much good at reading between the lines but I don't think it is a good thing. Thank you for correcting my sentence.

  • nmkh


    Dear Micaela, Thank you very much for your corrections. I always appreciate them. To tell you the truth, I was not confident in this piece since I was unfamiliar with the topic. Your kind comments made me happy!! Thank you so much. I will probably spend time with my kids this weekend, going shopping etc. I am a mother of two kids, an 11 year-old boy and a 7 year-old girl. : ) Have a great weekend! Sincerely, nmkh

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank for your wonderful correction, Your correction definitely useful , thank you always. Thank you for your asking. This weekend I will cook something for my family and do some preparation for next weekend training examinations. Have a great weekend! Sincerely, Tan

  • guangtai


    Thank you for your revisions!

  • Masayo888


    Thank you very much. Have a nice day!

  • maimy22


    Thank you so much for your correction and message! Your comment about textbooks gave me a new hint to write this kind of topic.

  • Miko08


    Thank you for reviewing my composition and your message. My eldest son is 13 years old and is becoming a bit difficult recently. I know that it's the way every one get through. I really miss those days that I cuddle him, taking a walk while holding his tiny hand.

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your correction. How was your Valentine’s day? I believe you had a happy day too. Sincerely, Tan

  • nmkh


    Dear Micaela, Thank you very much for correcting my writing. It was nice to share my thoughts with you! I've sent a question. I'm looking forward to your advice. Sincerely, nmkh

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your wonderful correction and thank you for always cheer me up! Have a great day! Sincerely, Tan

  • shimako


    Thank you so much for correcting my email!

  • nmkh


    Dear Micaela, Thank you very much for your exact corrections and kind comments. I have been motivated to write more pieces! Have a nice day! Sincerely, nmkh

  • tan-sasaki


    Dear Micaela, Thank you for your wonderful correction. As my poor article showed, my goal is not reaching easily but I will keep go forward. Thanks for always cheering me up.



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