Thank you for your advice.
Thank you very much for your corrections. I read more than three times before submitting the work, but I made a spelling mistake. ( a? some?) I'll try not to do it again! Best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your reply. I'm glad to know your explanations. As you said, I hope that my instinct will guide me correctly! Also, thank you very much for showing alternative sentences. I like " a bad situation is inevitable." I learned a lot this time too! Thank you very much again, and best regards, Isabel
非常に良い勉強になりました。冠詞について気を付けながら英作文をしていきたいと思います。 他の文法ももう一度再確認しながら、自信をもって使える形にしたいと思っています。 今後もサポートよろしくお願いします。
I'm sorry to be late for returning ★.
いつも丁寧な添削をありがとうございます! 私は、小学生のころ読んだ「大草原の小さな家」という小説を最近になって原書で読みました。分からないなりに、英語の小説を読める! という楽しさと、昔読んでわくわくした気持ちを思い出して、とても楽しかったです。 分からないことだらけですが、これからもちょっとずつ成長していきたいです。 お手数ですが、よろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございました!!
Thank you very much for your corrections and comments. I learned a lot as usual. Your words always encourage me! Isabel
Thank you very much. I thought "measurements' is a noun form for a verb "measure"!! I learned a lot as usual from your corrections and comments. Best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections. I won't forget the spelling "heal"! Isabel
Thank you so much for your corrections. I like the sentence " You coulnd hardly swim anywhere without meeting a turtle." It's great to know the expression as it matches the situation I had experienced. Also, I'm glad to know "enjoy" is often omitted in this kind of sentence. I learned a lot! Thank you very much. Isabel
Hello. Thank you very much for your corrections. I learned a lot from them. Especially, I like the sentence "Large and rough waves....., making water totally muddy." I know participial constructions in grammar books, and I can translate the sentence into Japanese. However, I couldn't hit upon using it. I want to use participial constructions at some other time. Thank you very much again, and best regards, Isabel
ratherの用法、とても分かりやすくお教え頂きましてありがとうございました。 IDIYで使って、間違えながら、覚えていきたいと思います。
Thank you for your reply. I'm always worried about preposition. It's very difficult and complicated for me. Thanks to you, I could catch something from your explanation. See you in Idiy.