Thank you very much for your corrections and comments. I found it difficult to write the part "The design was taken into consideration.... " and I'm happy to know the right sentence, "The design considers ...." And as for "in wheelchair", I knew it, but I missed again! I learned a lot from your corrections as usual. Thank you very much again and best regards, Isabel
とても丁寧な添削を頂き誠にありがとうございます。 またどうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Thank you very much for your corrections and comments. I'm glad you showed me many alternatives and much better expressions. Frankly speaking, I'm happy that I could write quite good, even though there are many mistakes in my work :) Best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections and comments. I'm glad to know the phrases "sacred territory" and "devine territory". I learned a lot from the corrections as usual. Best regards, Isabel
いつも素敵なメッセージを有難うございます。 私は先生の洗練された日本文に感銘を受けています。 少しずつでも前に進めるように、努力していきたいと思います。
Thank you very much for your corrections. I'm glad to know that I shouldn't switch pronouns back and forth in my essay. Usage of pronouns, especcially "you" is difficult to learn for me. I feel that there are lots of differences between English expressions for common opinions and Japanese one. As for the above essay, now I found it was simply bad as it was not consistent. By the way, I wrote this essay with secondhand knowledge from a survival mystery novel.:) Thank you very much again and best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections. I learned a lot from them as usual. I enjoyed writing about Mr. Miyazono, the teacher, too. Best regards, Isabel
早速の返信ありがとうございます。実際に作文するとき悩むのは、完了形や仮定法のような文法上のきまりよりも、the か、aか、単数形か、複数形かというようなことなんです。文法については、文法書で調べられますが、冠詞は、適切な使い方の感覚がありません。でも先生に直してもらえるので、うれしいです。
丁寧かつ大変分かり易い御指導、有難うございました。 日本語添削では正確に理解を深めることが出来、英語のみの添削では否応なしに英語だけの世界に入ることが出来るので自分に厳しくなれます。 今の自分には両方の必要性を感じますので、どちらの添削もして頂けるのは本当に有難いです。 英語学習は20年程のブランク後の再出発です。 年齢的なことを考えると再出発できるのか少々不安もありますが、精一杯頑張りたいと思います。 第一歩として来春3月に開催されるマラソン大会にて語学ボランティアとしてランナーの簡単な受付をさせていただく予定です。 先ずは、それをひとつの目標として励みたいと思っております。 今後ともどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you very much for your corrections. I should have write "my colleagues" instead of "my mates". As we don't work for a same company, I didn't know which word to use, and I looked it up in a dictionary. I looked up "colleague" again, and I think "my colleagues" is the right word for my work. Thank you very much again and best regards, By the way, do you, the adults also eat too much candy on Halloween day?:) Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections and encouraging me. I hope I can write better English soon! Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections and suggesting me some alternatives. I always find it difficult which to use, past tense or present perfect tense. I need to read more! Best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections. I read your reply as soon as I received it with a lot of appreciations. I'm glad to know new usage of "centered on" for me. "Live on" is the phrase I need to remember. It's the expression what I wanted to write in the above work. Thank you very much again, and best regards, Isabel