いつも丁寧な添削をありがとうございます。"兄弟のいない人"は、最初"No siblings people"にしていたのですが、なんか変かだなあと思い、"No siblings"にしていました。 "A person with no siblings"! 英語っぽい(というのも変ですが)格好良い表現ですね。どうしても日本語に引きずられて、英語の良さをうまく使いこなせないのがもどかしいです……。ちょっとずつ英語表現に慣れていきたいです。 アドバイスいただいた、「英語として、意味は通じるか、どうなのか」もよく考えて、また英作文にチャレンジします。ありがとうございました!
非常に面倒な質問に丁寧答えていただきありがとうございました。 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
You must have giggled at the sentence. I bursted out laughing when I found my mistake in your comment. I didn't blow up my son as he is not a balloon and a bomb! I blew up at my son again and again as he didn't do what he needed to do. Thank you very much for your corrections and comments. Best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections and comments. I'll be careful for the usage of 'native'. Best regards, Isabel
Thank you for your advice. I'll ask you to correct another work again.
Thank you for your correction! Your explanation is easy for me to understand. Let me add you to my favorite list.
Thank you very much for encouraging me! Isabel
丁寧な添削をありがとうございました!英語で日記を書いていると、うまく自分の考えなどをまとめられず、もどかしいことも多々ありますが、もっとうまく文章を書きたい、という気持ちが英語の勉強の原動力にもなっています。 最初の一文はkeepが2度続くのが気になっていたのですが、I keep balance in mind when I learn Englishなどのように書けばいいのですね。とても勉強になりました。 いつか自然な英語を書けることを目標にがんばりたいです。これからもよろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございました!
Thank you very much for your corrections. I'll practice writing English over and over! I hope "where there is a will, there is a way" is true. Best regards, Isabel.
Thank you very much for your corrections. Now I found I typed the handmade traditional paper wrongly. It is `Yoshino Tesuki Washi". I haven't tried to make the paper yet, so I hope it's surely fun! Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections. I'm glad to know the expression, "the ever fascinating colors of sky and ocean". I like it! Thank you very much again. Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections. As for the cuisine, I reacently met the word in a magazine, and I thought I knew the meaning and I didn't check it out in a dictionary. I'm lucky that I learned the correct meaning here! I checked the meaning in an English-Japanese dictionary, too. I learned a lot as usual. Thank you very much again, and best regards, Isabel
Thank you very much for your corrections. My family love the gyoza. Isabel
Thank you very much for the corrections. I understood well. Thanks!! See you next time. Have a nice day!