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United States
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • American English
  • Beginner
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  • Advanced
Native English speaker - American English conversation instructor Part-time international tour guide for foreigners Occasional English voice-over artist Occasional customer service rep Intermediate Japanese speaker
Hi there! I'm Sara Rose from New York, specializing in helping learners with practical, real-life English, as well as all kinds of exam/test materials (Eiken, TOEIC/TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), cultural topics and current issues. I especially enjoy reading and explaining topics on travel, the U.S./UK, culture, news, music, art, fashion, and all things New York. You're welcome to send in your writing today on virtually any subject and I would gladly check and correct it for you! My proofreading focuses on natural-sounding English by using the most common, latest, or trending words/phrases/expressions, with some difficult/confusing grammar fully explained. If you are an administrative office person, a customer service rep, or a first-time international online shopper, I am here to help you write clear, courteous business email in English, especially for apparel and other general purchases. Looking forward to showing you how fun and rewarding it is to be able to communicate clearly in this universal language. Let's get started!
the U.S./UK (England/Scotland), Ireland, France, Germany
Message from the instructor
Hi there! I'm Sara Rose from New York, specializing in helping you with practical, real-life English, as well as all kinds of exam/test materials (Eiken, TOEIC/TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), cultural topics and most current issues. I especially enjoy reading and explaining topics on travel, the U.S./UK, culture, music, art, fashion, and all things New York. You're welcome to send in your writing today on virtually any subject and I would gladly check and correct it for you! My proofreading focuses on natural-sounding English by using the most common, latest, or trending words/phrases/expressions, with some confusing grammar fully explained. If you are an administrative office person, a customer service rep, or a first-time international online shopper, I am here to help you write clear, courteous business email in English for any type of delivery topics or purchases. Looking forward to showing you how fun and rewarding it is to be able to communicate clearly in this universal language. Let's get started!
  • a-no


    Hello Sara, Thank you for your worming message. This is my first time using IDIY. So I was little nervous. However, when I saw the polite correction you returned, I was surprised and impressed. As I saw my poor diary change like this, I wanted to make an effort to improve my English skills more. Thank you.

  • ternary50620


    Thank you so much! I was very impressed with your kind and detailed explanation. I’m afraid it must have taken a lot of your time.

  • mkawa


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for your kind advice and amazing correction! And I also appreciate your encouragement for my invention. I learnt the effective way to use passive voice, which can emphasize things what I want to write. In addition, I understood the early positioning in the sentence can maximize the significance of the content. The difference between "potential" and "possibility", which you adviced are also very helpful!! I'll write another composition soon. Have a great week! Best regards, mkawa

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • yu44y


    Thank you for checking my essay!

  • makomako2023


    Thank you very much. Your feedback is useful and understandable.

  • hideaki.t060


    Thank you as always. The quality of hair cuts depends on the skill of hair dresser, not on the age of them.

  • yu44y


    Thank you for checking my essay!

  • nozomiya0418


    Your corrections are informative. Thank you as always.

  • hideaki.t060


    Thank you for giving me a good phrase. “This too shall pass” gives me courage!

  • mkawa


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for your kind advice and correction. I learnt a lot. But I had to chose the detailed proofreading instead of basic one, because there are numerous new expressions for me in your correction. For example, "capability-wise", "complacent about", "lose sight of", "striving for", "counterproductive", and "abolish" are new expressions. I'll read aloud and remember these expressions! Best regards, mkawa

  • lightpink21168


    Your feedback is very detailed and helpful to reinforce my knowledge and proper usage of each English word, thank you so much!

  • hmuromin


    Thank you for you correction and useful comments. I would like to apply your suggestions to my future assignment.

  • lightpink21168


    Dear SaraRoseNY Through just one essay, you taught me a lot and each correction comes with detailed logical explanation. I really appreciate it, thank you!

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.


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