Thank you very much for your correction. I like your perfect translation, "m$$$$$at" for 292,929 yen!
Thank you very much for your correction. Thank you very much that you figured out what I had written! I'm glad to know that many native speakers of English struggle with the dirrennce between "effect" and "affect." This information helps me memorize these usage!
Thank you very much for your correction. I often confuse tense. (You've already known.) Especially, I confuse past tense with past perfect tense, when I want to express "experiences." I think I figured out some of them from your corrections. I'll ask a question if I confuse again (about 現在完了・経験). I'm always glad that I learned a lot.
Nadya 先生 いつも大変お世話になっております。 冠詞/単数・複数 などがとっても苦手です(;^_^A うまく書けるように頑張ります!今後ともよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you very much for your correction. For me, having my ears pierced sound scary and I would't be able to try it even if I didn't care about damaging to my God-given body.
Nadya 先生 いつもありがとうございます。 細かい点を気を付けながら頑張っていきます。 これからもご指導をよろしくお願いいたします。
Dear Ms Nadya, Thank you for your feedback. I learned how to construct sentences, especially to express expectations in the past. Your explanation of grammar in places were very easy to understand.
Thank you very much for your corrections!
Thank you very much for your correction and your message. To write about the second picture, I looked up "cesarean section" and "umbilical cord." I believe the two words will help me when I watch an American TV drama called "Grey's Anatomy." I'm glad to find that describing pictures is also a good method to learning English. I'd like to try others.
Thank you very much for your correction and sweet message. I'm particularly glad to learn about "go off successfully/well." Thank you very much again!
Thank you for your correction! I noticed that I got some expressions wrong. I'll keep trying.
Thank you!
自作分は文法の誤りが多く、失礼を致しました。 大変勉強になりました。 ありがとうございました。