Ms. Nadaya Thank you very much for your help. I learned a lot from you.
Thank you very much for your correction, message and reply for my question. I like "It's my good karma." I'd like to use it as soon as possible! It's very useful and easy to remember! Actually, I've heard the similar phrase in the US TV drama. I can't remember it exactly, but I think a woman said "It's a (or my) karma," after she failed to do her important job properly. I thought the meaning was "a curse." Anyway, I'm very glad to know karma's meaning and of course the equivalent expression for 「日頃の行いが良いから」in English! Also, "for my sins" is great to know! I would have joked "I'll be the host for the excursion, for my sins." before I had enjoyed the day! Thank you very much for your kind message!
Thank you very much for your correction. I really appreciate that you always understand what I mean even if I missed some words or phrases to write. Isabel
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much for correcting me. Your suggestion and message really motivated me to challenge next topic. I would like to brush up my English from your advice again.
I recommend you to visit the museum, though Kuji City is in the nothern place in Iwate Prefecture so it is a little far. The jewery shop had a workshop, where young workers were making a jewery earnestly. This is the one of the reason I bought the jewery.
Thank you so much for correcting my writing! It's really natural sentences and perfect for me. I hope you will read my writing again!
Thank you much for correcting my sentences. I am glad that it was good to sent that sentence and have now the correction.
Thank you very much for your correction. I was thinking the words, "自助努力," but it was too harsh to say that in the situation and so I added the last sentence. I'd like to memorize the saying "God helps those who help themselves" for the next time.
いつも丁寧な添削と励ましのメッセージをありがとうございます。 今回も文法的な誤りだけでなく、自然な表現を多くご提示くださり、本当に感謝しております。 なるほど、こう表現すればよいのか!と毎回勉強させていただいております。 今回はCan Japanese claim.....? のところの代わりになる表現がどうしても思いつかず、悩んでおりました(どれも悩みましたが) もしこれが質問なら、もしかしたら「もちろん可能だよ」と言われるんだろうなぁー、などと感じておりましたので 添削いただいた表現はしっかり学べたと思います。 次回もよろしくお願いいたします。
Thank you very much for your collections and messages. I learned a lot as usual. Especially, "in choosing noun" is a useful expression for me. I hope I'll be able to submit a work today!
Thank you very much for your corrections and kind message!
丁寧な解説をありがとうございました。 機会がありましたら今後も添削をお願いさせていただきます。
Thank you very much for your kind message.