


  • 受験対策が得意
  • ビジネス英語が得意
  • アメリカン英語
  • 初心向け
  • ジュニア向け
  • 上級者向け
  • 英検
Native English speaker - American English conversation instructor Part-time international tour guide for foreigners Occasional English voice-over artist Occasional customer service rep Intermediate Japanese speaker
Hi there! I'm Sara Rose from New York, specializing in helping learners with practical, real-life English, as well as all kinds of exam/test materials (Eiken, TOEIC/TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), cultural topics and current issues. I especially enjoy reading and explaining topics on travel, the U.S./UK, culture, news, history, music, art, fashion, and all things New York. You're welcome to send in your writing today on virtually any subject and I would gladly check and correct it for you! My proofreading focuses on natural-sounding English by using the most common, latest, or trending words/phrases/expressions, with some difficult/confusing grammar fully explained. If you are an administrative office person, a customer service rep, or a first-time international online shopper, I am here to help you write clear, courteous business email in English, especially for apparel and other general purchases. Looking forward to showing you how fun and rewarding it is to be able to communicate clearly in this universal language. Let's get started!
the U.S./UK (England/Scotland), Ireland, France, Germany
Hi there! I'm Sara Rose from New York, specializing in helping you with practical, real-life English, as well as all kinds of exam/test materials (Eiken, TOEIC/TOEFL, IELTS, etc.), cultural topics and most current issues. I especially enjoy reading and explaining topics on travel, the U.S./UK, culture, music, art, fashion, and all things New York. You're welcome to send in your writing today on virtually any subject and I would gladly check and correct it for you! My proofreading focuses on natural-sounding English by using the most common, latest, or trending words/phrases/expressions, with some confusing grammar fully explained. If you are an administrative office person, a customer service rep, or a first-time international online shopper, I am here to help you write clear, courteous business email in English for any type of delivery topics or purchases. Looking forward to showing you how fun and rewarding it is to be able to communicate clearly in this universal language. Let's get started!
  • wako38


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for correcting my writing again. This morning, two delivery persons installed a new washing machine in the dressing room. This time I purchased the extended warranty for it! Kind regards, wako38

  • wako38


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for correcting my writing again. My son looks so fun every day. Next Monday, he is finally going to start practicing in the group at school for sports day. Kind regards, wako38

  • wako38


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for correcting my writing again! Kind regards, wako38

  • kiyoyoyo


    Dear SaraRoseNY sensei Hi ! Thank you for your early replying and great advices. I will keep doing my best to learn English ! I look forward to the next opportunity. Best regards, Kiyoyoyo

  • Chito37552


    Thank you for your detailed explanation. It is really useful for me. I’ll read that again and again! Thanks again.

  • Yuki89


    Thank you for correcting my essay. I learned several expressions to make sentences more formal and natural. Also I appreciate that you pointed out some mistakes about articles and singular/plural choices!!

  • wako38


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for correcting my writing again! Kind regards, wako38

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always,

  • makomako2023


    Thank you for your detailed feedback. I learned many thing from your comments.

  • mkawa


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for your kind advice and correction. I didn't know the format "the way Subject + Verb". As I have used this word in the wrong way many times until now, it is so helpful for me. I also learned that "whereas" is stronger than "while". I didn't know the difference. The story that most immigrants who really need to express themselves don't have fear on their mind was understandable. I will have up coming other English events soon, and I'm writing another composition. Have a great Sunday! Best regards, mkawa

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • Yuki89


    Thank you for your review. I tend to focus on grammar in each sentence, but I learned it is also important to think about essay structure! I appreciate your advice from the new perspective:)

  • hideaki.t060


    Thank you very much as always. The news about Ohtani is big concerns among Japanese fan. Surely, he might lose more than he thought. It is not wise to lean on uncertainty like gambling.

  • wako38


    Dear SaraRoseNY, Thank you for correcting my writing again. I did my best today. I walked a lot and exhausted, so I think I will have a good sleep tonight as usual. Please have a wonderful night. Kind regards, wako38



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