“I did not understand this part of the sentence at all. I thought their spirits and humanity of the people were so mature.” It means I thought the spirits and humanity of people, who were in their 40s, were so mature.
Thank you for your kind words. The time I take a walk with my daughters, holding in the baby carrier is my precious time. I’ll enjoy the crisp winter air with them.
Thank you for your appreciation for my conclusion!
Have a nice weekend!
Fifth disease is a viral illness that produces a distinctive red rash on the face, body , arms, and legs, especially common in kids between the ages of 5 and 15.
Hi! Ellie! I was so glad to hear from you and you encouraged me very much! Actually I didn't have any confidence to express myself then and I had some trouble to utter in English because I was scare of other's feelings. However, you gave me some good advice and motivated me with your kind words at the same time!! Thank you very much. By the way, I have a dream that I want to participate in Olympic Games in 2020 here, Tokyo as a national track and field athlete. Also I have another dream that I want to talk to foreign athletes in English then so I've been trying to get English. It is very important for me to keep practicing, of course running and studying English, but I felt sad when I couldn't communicate with foreigners in English , which let me weaken my motivation to keep practicing. I'm happy to meet you and read your messages! I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
This theme was very difficult but you teach me a lot. Thank you very much.
Although today is pretty cold, your comments make me warm. Thank you! Hope you are having a loving day!
Your corrections and comments add color to my days. They make a difference in my life. Thank you so much!
I want to give my girls wonderful legacy to build their life on like your father and the woman’s.
I had no idea what an eggnog was, so I googled it. It looks very good! I want to try some while looking at flickering bonfire.
I could have some oranges. Thanks!
Thank you very much
Thank you for kindly teaching me !
Thank you so much. The corrections that you made is what I wanted to say.