Dear HelpfulBrit, I appreciate your support. I will try to remember and use the phrase “in formation”. Your explanations of Adverbs of degree are really helpful for me. Thank you soooooo much. lol Best regards, Akihiro
My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. I look forward to taking your lesson again.
Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. Your feedback is always helpful for me. I look forward to taking your lesson again.
My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. I always find them really helpful. I look forward to taking your lesson again.
Thank you again.
Thank you.
Thank you for checking my sentences. I would check the parts you corrected for me. I am glad that my sentences are understandable. I will try more to make a simple and more beautiful essay . Yours sincerely,
Thank you for your kind advices. I’m very cofused about between the plural and singular. I will try to understand and practice them. And I’m happy to know the phrase “The action is taking place against a background of trees.” It was an eye-opening expression for me. Thank you again.
Dear Mx. HelpfulBrit, I appreciate your advice! A happy new year!
Thank you for reading and checking my sentences. I want to be careful with the revision you corrected. I am happy my sentence made sense. Have a great end of the year. Best wishes,
Hi HelpfulBrit, thank you so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it. Have a lovely weekend.
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you.
Dear Mx. HelpfulBrit, I appreciate your advice! Have a lovely weekend.