Dear Frorianna, Thank you very much for correcting my work. Yes, that's him! Yuzuru Hnyuu! I was so exited and moved on the day of free style skating. And I'm really glad that you know about him. After he had a gold medal, he was interviewed by mass media. Someoned asked "What did you feel when you stood on ice after you came back from your injuory?" He said " I felt nothing but hopelessness." I can say nothing but "great!" . I really learned from him. Best regards, Yoko
Thank you very much!! I learned a lot through your advice.
Thank you for your support! I learned a lot from your advice. The declining birthrate is big problem in Japan. It's exactly as you said, this problem is too difficult to improve. I hope Japanese government will do well something... If young people is decreasing the same as way, we might likely to be collapsed. I hope that young people increase and everything is on a roll.
Dear florianna, I learned when I should use "have+-ed", and I prefer this expression: we will organise having more people on board. I also prefer this 'how special it is to be on the same wave length as someone' 'a strong and productive bond' 'element of life' 'element of one's personal and social life' in your message, I want to use this expression. You give me dreamy English. I love this style. Thank you. Naochan
Thank you so much for your correction and comments on my sentences. I was very happy to know about how to make it sound more natural. I'd have never learned myself how to use the new phrase "as to whether or now..." without your correction. Your kind message also has helped me build my vocabulary. Again thank you so much for your help. Yukari0224
Thank you very much for corrections and your wonderful message! I will send my work again.
Dear florianna, Japanese government make Yen weak intentionally for increasing the amount of export. (If Yen is weak, the other countries are able to buy Japanese products at a low cost.) I don't agree with this policy. Making money national currency weak is crazy for national. It's only good for global company in Japan. Thank you very much. I will study more and more. Naochan
Dear florianna, Your message is touching my heart deeply. "You've expressed the precious gift of compassion in your understanding of both ordinary people becoming poorer and those at the other end of the spectrum who may be rich and famous but often have complicated or unhappy lives behind the glitter of stardom." Thank you very much. Naochan
Dear Florianna, I listed new expression I learned from your messages. I appreciate your very impressive expression about theme every time. I don't want to mistake using singular or plural. I should be more cautious about it. Your additional point is certainly ambiguous in my writing, so I will try to rewrite in detail about it another day. Thank you very much. You are a great editor, too. Naochan
Thanks always! Never mind about the delay. It doesn't matter for me. And thank you for your encouragement. I also hope my interview went well! See you next time and have a great week!
Thank you very much for your detailed explanation and advice!
Dear Florianna Thanks for all your work. You always encourage me. I have to read and write old collection and your message again and again, so it's no problem to delay. Thank you very much. Naochan
Thank you very much for corrections and kind messages. I am always looking forward to reading your message.
Dear florianna OK. I will keep producing a "healthy" amount of written work :) Thank you very much. Naochan
Dear Floriannasun. Thank you for your return and kind messages. As you say I'll note down first and starts from short sentences. Now it is becoming clear how to write this short essay in my head. So I try to keep practice. I didn't know " aging " is American English! It's fun to know the differene between British English and American one. Thank you very much for a good tip. Best regards. Yoko