Dear Florianna Thanks for all your work. You always encourage me. I have to read and write old collection and your message again and again, so it's no problem to delay. Thank you very much. Naochan
Thank you very much for corrections and kind messages. I am always looking forward to reading your message.
Dear florianna OK. I will keep producing a "healthy" amount of written work :) Thank you very much. Naochan
Dear Floriannasun. Thank you for your return and kind messages. As you say I'll note down first and starts from short sentences. Now it is becoming clear how to write this short essay in my head. So I try to keep practice. I didn't know " aging " is American English! It's fun to know the differene between British English and American one. Thank you very much for a good tip. Best regards. Yoko
Thank you very much
Thank you very much. I'm able to learn a lot from this. I will read your message and your collecting point again and again. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your support. I was glad to read your kind words. I have two daughters and I often discuss about the Japanese compulsory education system with my family or friends. There are some children who cannot attend school in any classes. There are more children not familier with the class. I think that the era of nurturing children uniformly is over.
Thank you for your good advice. I have read your comments many times. I wish you all a Happy New Year.
Thank you for your polite and sincere comment. I was happy to read it. I was surprised that most people in Britain regard Mondays as the start of a week like most Japanese do. Your country is a Christian country, so I thought the week would start on Sundays.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I really appreciate it. And I wish you merry Christmas. I am sorry it might be a little late. One of your sentences is too long and difficult to understand words by words, but I think I understand what you want to say.
Greetings, Teacher florianna I'm very happy to your message. I always confuse which I should capitalized of all word of the title or not. Your comment is very useful to me. I have confidence when I write some title from now on.
Florianna, Thank you for your advice. I learned natural English expressions. I found you like reading newspapers, too. I think reading newspapers is one of the best way to avoid fake news. I hope to see you again. Naka
Thank you for your editing and comments.
Thank you very much!
Thank you for your kind advice! Your comment is very interesting and readable for me. It was a good training.