Thank you for your feedback and corrections with useful tips! I will make use of them. Tomoo
Dear Teacher Joyce, I appreciate your corrections and alternative expressions. These were very helpful to me. I like your corrections style and submit you my sentences soon. Thank you, Aya
Thank you for your feedback. It was very helpful as usual. I'll keep it up, so please work on correcting my writing again. Daisuke
Thanks for lots of alternative expressions! Those helped me a lot!
Dear Ms Joyce, Thank you very much for all of your suggestions! As I use English at work, your feedback was really helpful. I am sure that I can use those expressions in the near future. Have a great Sunday!
Dear teacher Joyce, Thank you very much for your attentive amendments and the alternatives in the message. They are so helpful to review my essay. I understood there are much more natural way to express my opinion as you showed me. I want to work with you again. Miduho
Dear Ms Joyce, Thank you very much for your really helpful feedback! There were a lot of suggestions that I can use from tomorrow's work! I appreciate your clear answers to my questions as well! Have a lovely weekend!
Hi teacher, Thank you for correcting my essay. I like the phrase "train of thought"! I will try to use this phrase in the next practice. Additionally, I will consider using your alternative expression in the next writing. Have a great day !!
Thank you for your corrections! The way you showed "Goog points about my writing," "writing tips," and "alternatives" were all clear and easy to understand. I do hope the condition in Australia gets better soon.
Thank you for collecting my sentence and telling me a lot.
Dear Ms Joyce, Thank you for your really helpful feedback! I'm again impressed with your detailed explanation and many alternative sentences. I felt that you really tried and helped me to write an email of an upper level! This is what I needed!
Thank you always for your detailed explanation about my sentences. Your comments are very helpful. I will keep your words in my mind not to make the same mistakes again. Have a wonderful Sunday Joyce!
Many thanks for your kind explanations, Joyce! I am glad to receive your comments and kind correction which was very helpful! :)
Dear Joyce Thank you very much for your helpful corrections and alternative sentences. I'm encouraged to read your kind message. I want to be able to write simple and natural English sentences. Every time I appreciate you so much. yoshiko2019
Thank you for your explanations and messages! You really encourage me. Thanks!