Thank you for your advice. Examples you have shown are useful to understand. Thank you very much.
I’m grateful for your excellent suggestions and explanations. I’ll continue to do my best to improve my English. I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again!
Dear Flick-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am glad you are my tutor. I look forward to working with you. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya
I apologize for the late reply. I’m grateful for providing numerous alternative ways of expressing my thoughts. I’ve learned a lot! I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again.
I apologize for the late reply. I’m grateful for your excellent suggestions and explanations. I’ve learned a lot! I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again.
Thank you for tour advice. The alternative expressions you taught me were really helpful!
Dear Teacher Flick san Thank you for your informative corrections. I'm glad to read your kind statements like " Your concise sentence conveys clarity." > Another option for ‘successful’ in this context is PROSPEROUS. =It's new to me. >DURING THE 1980S, BUSINESS IN JAPAN THRIVED. =I see. I like this sentence. > …substituted ‘and’ with ADDITIONALLY because we use ‘and’ as a conjunction in the middle of sentences to join clauses. =I see. >Another option for ‘gained’ in this context is CULTIVATED =I see. "cultivate "can be used in this case besides in case of "agriculture. " >‘communications’ can also be used as a non-countable noun GOOD COMMUNICATION =This is a bit complicated for me. I'll look it up in the dictionary or I may be going to send a question later to you. >JAPANESE BUSINESS PEOPLE THEN DID THE SAME AS GOOGLE EMPLOYEES ARE DOING NOW, ALTHOUGH THIS HAS CHANGED IN JAPAN IN RECENT TIMES. =I prefer this sentence. Thank you. Best regards, ie1133 ……………
Thank you for your checking my sentences. Especially, other options you showed will be so useful for me.
Thank you for your clear correction and your suggestion of numerous paraphrased sentences!
Hi, Flick I’m great, and you? Thank you for your suggestions and substitutions for the word that I used. I didn’t notice the notification that you finished reviewing, so was late to reply, I’m sorry. I’ll ask you to review my writings again. Have a great one ;) Kohei
Thanks for your great correcting and message! All of your feedback was really helpful and made me motivated. I'll keep you posted. See you again;)
Hello Mx. Flick, Your explanation was very easy to understand and helpful for me. I appreciate your great advice. I hope I can take your lesson again soon!
Thank you.
Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations are easy to understand, and the alternative expressions you taught me is very helpful!
Hello. I am grateful your advice!