


Native language:
Total orders:
  • American English
  • British English
TESOL Certified // Experience teaching in Japan // Published Writer // BA Humanities, Bishop's University
Hello! I am a friendly Canadian teacher and writer. My editing style includes lots of examples to help you improve your written English.
My hobbies include cooking, crafting and exploring the Canadian countryside. I also love to read novels and watch TV and movies in my spare time. I have traveled to more than 20 countries and hope to visit all 6 continents (not counting Antarctica!)
Message from the instructor
Friendly Canadian teacher who loves English writing. I taught conversational, vocational and business English in Japan for four years. I am also a non-fiction writer with books published in eight countries. My work has also appeared in numerous magazines and blogs. I look forward to using my writing and teaching skills to help you improve your English!
  • longan40709


    Thank you for your reply!

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction! Your explanation is invaluable for me!!

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Ms. Marisa, Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback! Yes, I'm switching between three language, but mostly in Japanese (with my family and at work), in English (email and phone conversation at work) and in French (chatting at work). Your suggestions and explanations about how to choose words are very logical, clear and helpful! I felt that there are a great deal of professional skills behind, because explaining like this is in itself very difficult in general. I noted your comments on my notebook in order to use them in the future. Thank you very much again, and have a lovely weekend!

  • telescope


    Thank you very much for your help. I like space very much, so I set "telescope" as my user name. The correction was very easy to understand and I learned a lot from it. Thank you very much!

  • tamano


    Thank you for your exceptionally detailed explanations. See you!

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for your detailed review! I also think that I might choose "how to share" better than "feedback" in this sentence. That is because it was comletly right in your conjecture about my last sentence.

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction!! Yes, I like watching videos about money on YouTube. Your explanation really helped me! Thank you!!


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