


Native language:
Total orders:
  • American English
  • British English
TESOL Certified // Experience teaching in Japan // Published Writer // BA Humanities, Bishop's University
Hello! I am a friendly Canadian teacher and writer. My editing style includes lots of examples to help you improve your written English.
My hobbies include cooking, crafting and exploring the Canadian countryside. I also love to read novels and watch TV and movies in my spare time. I have traveled to more than 20 countries and hope to visit all 6 continents (not counting Antarctica!)
Message from the instructor
Friendly Canadian teacher who loves English writing. I taught conversational, vocational and business English in Japan for four years. I am also a non-fiction writer with books published in eight countries. My work has also appeared in numerous magazines and blogs. I look forward to using my writing and teaching skills to help you improve your English!
  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for correcting my English. Actually, I used to live in Canada, Alberta for a short time. Living such a place for a long time must need a car! Tokyo is very convenient, but I also love Canada. Anyway, I will try practicing reported speech what I studied today. -My instructor asked me, "Why are you studying English?" -My instructor asked me why I was studying English. Thank you, and have a nice day.

  • Mimi0519


    Thank you very much!

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for your review. I often use English for work. it sometimes not going well. However, I will do my best, and practicing writing English IDIY must be helpful. "when that happens" is a new idea for me. Thank you.

  • riki


    Thank you for your helpful advices as always, and also teaching me the hybrid greeting used in your city.

  • tadream77788


    Dear Ms. Marisa, Thank you for your detailed explanation and kind message. Your review is very helpful as always. Have a good day! Best wishes

  • yukoito


    Thank you so much!!

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for correcting my writing. I had been staying at a hotel almost the time on the business trip. I would like to use adjectives more for making clearly sentences.

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for your review. Your other options are always very useful. I will write my fun plan more understandably.

  • tadream77788


    Dear Ms. Marisa, Thank you very much for your feedback. Your detailed explanation is really helpful for my English study. Have a good day. Best regards,,

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Ms. Marisa, Thank you very much for your great feedback and advice as always! I learned distinction of words and expressions in your feedback. Also, I was made aware of more natural expressions. I love remote working which has started at this pandemic, yet I miss freedom to meet people I love and go somewhere I want.

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you very much for your help. I understand your corrections! Especially, how to use "past perfect with passive" is very useful. I will also try to white longer sentences next time.

  • riki


    Thank you for your corrections as always. I understand the differences of plays, playing, and work.

  • yukoito


    Thank you so much.

  • yutaka1005


    Thank you for your advice! Many examples are so useful for me.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your correction and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned when to use the article "the" with "pandemic." I will use it properly in the future entries. Best regards.


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