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  • American English
  • British English
TESOL Certified // Experience teaching in Japan // Published Writer // BA Humanities, Bishop's University
Hello! I am a friendly Canadian teacher and writer. My editing style includes lots of examples to help you improve your written English.
My hobbies include cooking, crafting and exploring the Canadian countryside. I also love to read novels and watch TV and movies in my spare time. I have traveled to more than 20 countries and hope to visit all 6 continents (not counting Antarctica!)
Message from the instructor
Friendly Canadian teacher who loves English writing. I taught conversational, vocational and business English in Japan for four years. I am also a non-fiction writer with books published in eight countries. My work has also appeared in numerous magazines and blogs. I look forward to using my writing and teaching skills to help you improve your English!
  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for your review. My working style has been changed to home based after the pandemic, so I need to manage my morning routine. I perfectly learned the differences of "have noticed" and "noticed". Thank you!

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for your review. I sometimes really want to eat curry with naan suddenly instead of my homemade curry. On the other hands, cooking curry is very easy,and I prefer to add lots of ingredients in it.

  • riki


    Thank you for your corrections and suggestions. I clearly understand your explanation, including the correction of my final clause.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the difference between "to hand" and "to hand over." I will use each of them correctly. According to the 3rd sentence, what I wanted to write is "She may do this to try to wake us up because she knows that we put on socks when we get up." as you showed. My original sentence didn't have enough information, and your explanation is very helpful for me! Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned that it focused on the action; driving, and I should have mention something related to the action. I will take necessary steps to make a natural flow of story. According to the 2nd sentence, what I wanted to write was just what you showed; the floor behind the front seats. Much appreciated! The bench I bought was needed to be assembled, so I put the parts together after returning home. Best regards.

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for your review. I've enjoyed both English and Mandarin lessons so far. And I appreciate you always show me a lot of examples. Knowing various way of expressions must be improved me!

  • telescope


    Thank you.

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you again! Also, thanks for sharing the situation of your story. I have been learning "Mandarin" since the beginning of this April. This is very difficult to learn pronounce, so I will practice it for a long time. It reminds me when I started to study English. It is hard, but having fun. Anyway, I did not know "the word of "something" should be used in positive sentence". Thank you. Have a nice day.

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction as always!

  • Mimi0519


    Thank you very much!

  • gold78346


    Thank you for your detailed corrections! It is difficult to use adjectives correctly. I will read your corrections well and try to improve my English.

  • Idiyhasu


    Thanks for your comment! Yes, this was a shocking notice. I will do my best for avoiding conflicts. Also, “it is rare for a person to be shocking.” was a great information for me! Thank you.

  • Ichika2011


    Thank you for checking my essay! The answers of your questions are “colder drinks”, “sweeter desserts” and “saltier snacks”. Thanks again!

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 2nd sentence, I learned the difference between "inject" and "insert." I will use each of them for proper objects. I called the shop and got a replacement part. So I completed the dining table:) Best regards.

  • momoko0110


    Thank you for your correction. I’ve never been to Croatia, too. I want to visit there to see the building.


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