


Native language:
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  • American English
  • British English
TESOL Certified // Experience teaching in Japan // Published Writer // BA Humanities, Bishop's University
Hello! I am a friendly Canadian teacher and writer. My editing style includes lots of examples to help you improve your written English.
My hobbies include cooking, crafting and exploring the Canadian countryside. I also love to read novels and watch TV and movies in my spare time. I have traveled to more than 20 countries and hope to visit all 6 continents (not counting Antarctica!)
Message from the instructor
Friendly Canadian teacher who loves English writing. I taught conversational, vocational and business English in Japan for four years. I am also a non-fiction writer with books published in eight countries. My work has also appeared in numerous magazines and blogs. I look forward to using my writing and teaching skills to help you improve your English!
  • Idiyhasu


    Thanks for correcting my writing this time as well. Our department need to be changed our situation because of the big event! Also, I learn how to use "had better" correctly. Thank you, and have a nice day.

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Ms. Marisa, Thank you very much for showing me how to express things happening in Japan in English based on your experiences in Japan. That was very interesting to know! Also, I learned many new, natural expressions. I noted them because they sound sophisticated and very nice. Please keep warm because it seems like that the spring has just started over there.

  • gold78346


    Thank you so much for the correction! Your corrections are very clear and I could understand very well.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the word "tiptoe." We can say "walk on one's tiptoes" and use it as a verb too. I will use this word in the next chance. According to the 3rd sentence, I learned the difference between "to grow" and "to grow up." I will use them properly in the next challenge. Best regards.

  • yurimamenosuke


    Hi , thanks for checking my composition. Your advice is very useful! Ill remember them!

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 3rd sentence, I learned the phrases; "to have a hard time doing" and "it is hard to do." I will use them correctly in the next challenge. By the way, yes, we could buy a dining table we all liked! It will come to our house soon, and we're looking forward to using it. Best regards.

  • yurimamenosuke


    Hi, thanks for checking my sentences. Your explanations are so comprehensible and accurate that I could understand all. I'm planning to go to Canada soon. So i wanna learn from you. See you at a next practice!

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the difference between "mistake" and "accident." I will use them correctly from now on. According to the 2nd sentence, I knew the word "bruise" for the first time. I will use it in the next chance! Best regards.

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction!! I Your explanation is really helpful for me.

  • Pricklyash9


    Thank you for your review and thoughtful message. I usually use web dictionaries and search engines to write any English documents but I sometimes realize that I could use easier phrases or synonyms. I am going to keep learning!

  • Makotk


    Dear Marisa, Thank you so much for your correction! Your explanation is really helpful. I will definitely review this corrected entry before going to sleep!

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you very much for your review. Actually, I wanted to express the situation like "when I would like to buy potato chips, I need to try finding my favorite one into such a crowded area and I need to wait to look at items on a shelf too.". Therefore, your understanding is correct. thanks for trying getting the meaning. I will try to write clear English more!

  • Idiyhasu


    Thank you for the review! Actually, one of my mistakes (it) did not forget to write. I completely misunderstood that it can be omitted. I will try understanding deeply English writing!

  • telescope


    Thank you very much for your help.

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction!!


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