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I'm here, available and ready to help you.
I like to travel, read and spend time with my family.
Message from the instructor
Hello, My name is Susannah, I'm looking forward to helping you with your English. I have been a qualified translator for 22 years and a qualified teacher for 16 years - I will use my skills and experience to help you to improve your use of the English language and take the time to teach you English vocabulary and grammar rules at the same time to help you learn. I have a friendly and supportive style and will take care to help the natural flow of your written English, without losing your own personal individual writing style or meaning.
  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Hello again! Thank you for your review and your kind words. As you said, I want to keep to explore new ways to describe. I found that I could connect sentences a bit more. I look forward to working with you again soon. Have a good rest of your day. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, I'm pleased to see you again and Thank you for working for my entry! It's unexpected that TV in UK is becoming more sexually explicit. Thank you for giving me a lot of alternatives, which are so helpful for me. I hope you have a good weekend too! Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Glad to see you again too, I'm doing well! How about you? I hope you are also well. Thank you for working for my entry. I'm pleased to learn new things from your explanations. I want keep practice more. I hope you have a great weekday, and I look forward to working with you again soon. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • indianred64682


    Thank you so much for your kind advice! “Enhance the experience” is a great phrase! I will enhance the fluency of my English writing more!

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Thank you for working for my entry. I enjoyed this weekend! How about you? I want to practice to use present continuous tense correctly. I look forward to working with you again soon. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Good to see you again too! To be honest, I'm not sure wether or not my spoken English changed, but I think my intonation has improved! Thank you for teaching me about 'near to' and 'far from'. I got a wrong idea what preposition is used. I hope you have a good weekday and see you soon. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Hi. Thank you for your concern! I've been good and haven't been affected by the tornado. Since leaving the tornado, It's been cooler these days. Thank you again for working for my entry. I enjoyed reading you corrections. I hope you have have a good weekend. Best regards, M Yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Hi. It's been a while. Good to see you too! Yes, It's common in Japan that there are some tornadoes in the end of summer. They are born in around southern Asia and slowly move northward. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying a stay in London! I didn't know Greenwich is in London. I'm embarrassed that I was mistaken the day of the typhoon. It's coming now! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of the stay in London. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • salak85727


    Sorry for the late reply to this. Thank you for your correction!

  • azure94918


    Thank you for your adjustments about ”on” "in" "at" in my text. That is my need. It's so helpful to me. I think we will work together next time. Thank you so much. Best wishes

  • salak85727


    Susannah Thanks for your kind review. That is informative for me. I searched for the 'Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It looks like much interesting event. Honestly, I didn't see so much, and the comedian I know might be a bit biased or too famous. 1 John Oliver. I sometimes see Last week tonight. 2 Ricky Gervais. I saw his problematic show on youtube. 'I am impressed by his saying that there is nothing you shouldn't joke about. It depends on what the joke is. ' Salak

  • Asuka_T


    Hello, Susannah. Thank you for your kind reply. Your adjustments and suggestions are very helpful for me. I'll try other assignment, so please check it again! Thank you very much! Asuka

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Long time no see. Thank you for working with my entry! Also, thanks for the congratulations. I enjoyed reading your alternatives and its explanations. I look forward to working with you again soon. Have a good day. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • salak85727


    thank you for your collection! I learned a lot.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the difference between "go to" and "go into." I will use each of them properly. Best regards.


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