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  • Exam Preparation
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I'm here, available and ready to help you.
I like to travel, read and spend time with my family.
Message from the instructor
Hello, My name is Susannah, I'm looking forward to helping you with your English. I have been a qualified translator for 22 years and a qualified teacher for 16 years - I will use my skills and experience to help you to improve your use of the English language and take the time to teach you English vocabulary and grammar rules at the same time to help you learn. I have a friendly and supportive style and will take care to help the natural flow of your written English, without losing your own personal individual writing style or meaning.
  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the expression "a cork from a wine bottle." I think we use "from" instead of "of" because the cork has already been separated from the bottle. Best regards.

  • indigo42146


    Thanks for your correction! Your suggestions of alternative sentences and words are very helpful.

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, How have you been? It's pleasure to see you again too. Thank you for concern about my entry. Though there are some issues, I'm basically fine! Your alternatives are helpful to improve my English, and I also enjoyed them. I look forward to working with you again, and I hope that you have a good rest of your day. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! 40 degrees C was so hot!! Even in Japan, I would be surprised if it was over 40 degrees :( Take care of you and your family, please. Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 3rd sentence, I learned the phrase "plain cake." It is hot here too, and I expect it will become hotter in August! My daughter is still two years old. She will be three in December :) Best regards.

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, It was very good to hear that you and your family seemed to enjoy your weekend. I was surprised that the end of school is July in your country! Because it is March in Japan. Thank you for your concern for me. I've been fine during this weekend. This weekend, I stayed in my mother's house in Okayama to see how her old dog was fine, she is 16 years old. Mabo ramen is less popular than other kinds of ramen. "Mabo" means mabo dofu which is a popular Chinese dish. It isn't normal for us to eat ramen for breakfast, but sometimes I want to eat it. In Japan we usually eat rice or toast for breakfast. I look forward working with you again soon. Stay safe. Many thanks, M-yoshiro

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! Alternative sentences you give me are always very useful for me! I will write sentences with different structure. Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 2nd sentence, I learned the difference between "come" and "go." I will use each of them properly. Two days ago, the rainy season ended in Tokyo. Now the temperature during daytime is far over 30 degrees Celsius every day :( Best regards.

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, I'm glad to see you again too! Thank you very much for correcting my entry. I know children as old as your son tend to be addictive to a video game, such as my child food. Anyway, I enjoyed a lot to read your explanations and wrote down them again. Thank you so much. I look forward to working with you again soon. Best regards, M-yoshiro.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Good to see you again too! I've been keeping practice almost every day. I hope to improve my English more faster. I really enjoyed reading your feedback. I will try to use alternatives of your suggestions. Thank you for helping me, and I hope to work with you again soon. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! I mistakenly didn't show who "she" is in this diary entry :( I will check my diary entry carefully before submitting! Best regards.

  • mashroom


    Hello Ms. Susannah, Your explanation was very helpful for me. I appreciate your advice! I hope you have a nice weekend.

  • Tucker


    Dear Susannah Thank you for your advice as usual. They are very helpful for me to improve my English communication skill. I’m looking forward to workings with you. Best regards, Tucker

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your explanations! According to the 3rd sentence, I learned the phrase "to dress up." I will use it in the next chance. Best regards.

  • ryota1115


    Thank you so much.


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