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  • Exam Preparation
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I'm here, available and ready to help you.
I like to travel, read and spend time with my family.
Message from the instructor
Hello, My name is Susannah, I'm looking forward to helping you with your English. I have been a qualified translator for 22 years and a qualified teacher for 16 years - I will use my skills and experience to help you to improve your use of the English language and take the time to teach you English vocabulary and grammar rules at the same time to help you learn. I have a friendly and supportive style and will take care to help the natural flow of your written English, without losing your own personal individual writing style or meaning.
  • ac0


    Thank you so much for correcting my sentence! In this request, I have discovered a serious error in my English writing. (I don't want to be self-sufficient, even if I had the money!) I will request another correction later.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your explanations! Sorry, my explanation was not enough according to the last sentence. I wanted to write that "We often have trouble putting the toys together after our daughter plays with them because she scatters them here and there!" Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the expression "to believe in." I will use it in the next chance. Best regards.

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Thank you for giving me your feedback and consideration about my condition. I had sleep well that day, so I've been already well. I'm pleased to learn another expressions from you!. I look forward to working with you and stay safe. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • Chobisuke


    Dear Susannah, Thank you for reviewing my writing. I’m glad to learn that I should write “Dear teacher.” You saved me from repeating the same mistake. I’m impressed how successfully Marie Kondo and her “spark joy” have become popular around the world. Few Japanese imagined that she would move to the US when she started appearing on Japanese TV. Maybe we need more people like Marie Kondo to help us out. Thank you very much, Chobisuke

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your correction and explanations! The alternative sentences you commented are very useful for me. Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 3rd sentence, I learned how to use the expression "to miss someone." I'd like to express that "they feel sad now because they can't see my daughter for a while." I will use the verb "to miss" carefully. Best regards.

  • cutan


    Thank you for your advises! Your made adjustment sentences are very helpful for me. I caught know more natural and how to make more simple sentences. Plus,I'm grateful to adjustment my massage as well ! gaisboro

  • Chobisuke


    Dear Susannah, Thank you for reviewing my writing. You gave me great suggestions and many encouraging words. I’ll try to avoid repetition in my next writing. I need to correct one error in my sentences. In the second line, where I should’ve written “tsukiai zangyo”, somehow I’ve left out “z”. I don’t think you have so many opportunities to use this term, but just in case. It was nice meeting you and I hope I can share my thoughts with you again. Many thanks, Chobisuke

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Thank you for giving me your kind suggestions and alternative expressions. I'm sorry for making your consider about my sentences, but your suggestions work for me. Also thank you for your consideration about my frustration from my diary. I will try to look at the future and improve my habits. I hope to work with you soon, and enjoy your weekend. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, Good to see you again too. Thank you for reading my work and giving me your feedback. Mt. Abura is not only beautiful but also maintained very well to enjoy a hike. As you told me, I'd like to try to describe a little more detail and use adjectives. I hope to work with you again. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Thank you for always giving me your feedback! Unlike yesterday, I struggled to learn Computer science at almost all day. I learned new sentences from you as follows: carry on, take advantage of something. I'll keep my practice to improve my English better. I hope to work with you and stay safe. Many regards, m-yoshiro

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the difference among "to meet", "to meet with" and "to meet up with." I will use each of them properly in my future writing. I'm happy to see my daughter's growth every day :) Best regards.

  • m-yoshiro


    Hi Susannah, It was nice to hear that your daughter is now home. Thank you for giving me your feedback and concern about my travel. I'm pleased to read and learn from your feedback. I hope to work with you soon. Many thanks, m-yoshiro

  • taka2022


    Dear Susannah, Thank you very much for your help on this proofreading. Your suggested sentences and correction are very helpful for me. I believe that your advice make my English skills better more than this. Best wishes,


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