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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • Beginner
  • Kids
  • Advanced
I'm here, available and ready to help you.
I like to travel, read and spend time with my family.
Message from the instructor
Hello, My name is Susannah, I'm looking forward to helping you with your English. I have been a qualified translator for 22 years and a qualified teacher for 16 years - I will use my skills and experience to help you to improve your use of the English language and take the time to teach you English vocabulary and grammar rules at the same time to help you learn. I have a friendly and supportive style and will take care to help the natural flow of your written English, without losing your own personal individual writing style or meaning.
  • junya17


    Thank you.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 4th sentence, I learned the difference between "come up" and "come out." Best regards.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, I was also interested in "corned beef" which seems to taste good. "hashed beef rice" might be more slightly different than you expected. It looks like Japanese curry rice but the taste is similar to beef stew. Hashed beef rice is not a common breakfast for me and I usually eat rice and natto. Thank you for working for my entry and I hope you have a good rest of Monday. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! Now, her eyes are fully recovered due to the eye-drops. She is interested in English, and we have taught her some English words. She can count the numbers from 1 to 10 and can say some names of animals, foods, etc. She has a very good memory because she is three years old, so I want her to learn English much more! Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! On the next day, I felt well while feeling sleepy. My company is recommending us to return to office gradually, but there are few people in the office even now. Best regards.

  • junya17


    Thank you.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Thank you again for your help! I grad to get alternatives from you. I will keep practicing English day by day. I hope you have a good Thursday. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! Of course, our daughter was disappointed and we promised her that we will go there again. Best regards.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Thank you for working for my entry. I'm now thinking about whether I got to any conferences or not. I hope you have great weekdays. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • HIROKI123456789


    thank you your kind correction!

  • mandarine47068


    Thank you for good suggestion and encouraging every times!

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, Nice to see you again too. Thank you for checking my entry and giving me alternatives. I'm glad to heat that you seemed to find some improvements of my writing. I hope to work with you soon again too. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • HIROKI123456789


    Hi thank you for your kind collection. I’m looking forward to meeting again soon:)

  • thistle38038


    Thank you for your additional message. That’s helpful for me,too.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Susannah, I appreciate your help and thank you for giving me alternatives to give me new ideas. I enjoy learning new phrases from you! I hope you've also had a good weekend and I look forward to work with you again soon. Best regards, m-yoshiro


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