Thank you so much for your revisions! Have a nice day!
Thank you for your clear corrections and kind message as always!
Dear teacher Emendatio, I always appreciate that you teach me many appropriate expressions to improve my composition. Best regards, Yanta
Hello Emendatio, Thank you for your correction. I appreciate that you taught me the difference between a compound predicate and a compound sentence. I learned about how to use commas. Thanks. I hope you will help me again. See you soon. Sally
Thank you very much. I am careful how to use *that* and *which*.
Thank you very much for your revisions and massage!
Thank you very much for kind correction. Please correct much more on the next opportunity.
Hello Emendatio, Thanks for your correction and explanations. Also, you taught me some words equivalent to “gourmet.” I am happy to know these words. I sometimes use “#foodie” on Instagram, but I didn’t know the meaning. I thought the word was a coined word on Instagram. It’s good for me to learn the meaning. Thank you so much. I’d like to ask you to help me again. See you soon. Sally
Thabk you for your quick response.
Thank you very much for quick response and useful information.
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I am grateful for what you have advised me. Those are very helpful for me! Take care, and best regards,
Dear Teacher Emendatio, I am grateful for your kind corrections. I am glad to know the word "savory", "rich fravor", and "rich taste". I am surprised to know that people have begun to use "umami"; it is like a "karaoke". Recently, I often see the word "rich taste" on the food packages. I could understand deeply about this notation. I think that "koku" would be used like an "umami", too. I will continue to try a commma and a semicolon. Thank you again. Best regards, Misa
Thank you for your corrections and suggestions! I often miss adding “s” and “es” onto “third person/singular/present tense”, which is taught in our junior high level, called “san-tan-gen” in Japanese, oops! I am going to keep learning! Thank you again!
Thank you very much for checking and correcting my composition! Your advice is very clear and it is very helpful for me. I made up my mind practicing English more so if I have chance I will ask you to help me again!
Dear Emendaito Thank you for your reply to my essay and questions. I understand what shold I do it to improve my English more natural. However, ity little difficult to do it perfectly. I like your advice that said a same thing by consequence. It had be a good practice to me. I’m looking forward to seeing you next time. Best wishes Hiro