Thank you so much for correcting my writing as always. I'm grad to read your kind comment and my writing became natural sentences. I hope to see you soon!
Thank you for always helping me to improve my English! I always forget articles and tense. I should learn more...
Dear HelpfulBrit Thank you for a lot of kind suggestions!! They are so helpful for me to practice writing. I'll do my best next week! Best regards, Misa
Thank you for your corrections and suggestions as always. I try to use your suggestions. They are very helpful to me.
Thank you for correcting my diary entry. I was really fascinated with these creatures!
Dear HelpfulBrit, I'm really impressed by your wonderful suggestions and explanations. Thank you for the explanation in terms of grammar and usual way of using English. I love your corrections, as I can feel a lot of British nice atmosphere, not only corrections. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for your comments.
Thank you for your corrections and suggestions as always. They are very helpful to me. I will try to use your suggestions in another email.
Thank you so much for correcting my writing as always! It's helpful for me. Have a great week!
Thank you for teaching me new words every time. I learned a lot of new words from this diary entry.
Thank you very much for your message and helpful amendments!
Thank you for your detailed explanations. I can learn a lot from the alternative expressions. I really appreciate your correction.
Thank you for your advice. I learned a lot of natural wording. Thank you so much!
Sorry I didn't have a chance to say thank you. Thank you for your corrections and suggestions as usual. You always give me many detailed explanations. They are very very helpful to me to improve.
Thank you for your advice! Your advice are always very useful. I'll try to listen to the radio.