Thank you for your advice! I learned better expressions.
Thank you very much for your corrections!
Thank you for your correction and message.
Thank you for your correction and message.
Thank you for your correction and message.
Thank you for your correction and message.
Dear Teacher JuliaVivian , Thank you for your polite corrections and many alternative sentences because I want to learn what I do not have. Your corrections change my essay into nice one. It's a miracle! I will figit! Bast regards, Misa,
Dear Ms. Julia Vivian, Thank you for your considerate advice about the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs! In Japanese language, we also have transitive and intransitive verbs, but they are much different from those in English. Hence, we have difficulty in using transitive and intransitive verbs correctly. Some verbs are easy to understand such as "raise" is transitive or "lie" is intransitive. However some verbs are difficult for us to understand. For example, we cannot see why the verbs "go" and "arrive" are intransitive, but the verb "visit" is transitive. I believe the feelings towards each verb is different in each language. Your advice is so valuable for me. I would like to imagine how verbs work in sentences from now on. I am so sorry for not submitting my essays for these two weeks. I have been so busy because we are going to move to a nearby house next week. The preparation to move made us so busy. Furthermore, I have a financial problem relating to our moving. I have no choice but stop spending money on IDIY for a time being. I would like to re-start my studying in IDIY next month. I will continue to learn English in other ways by then. Best wishes Mitsuhiro Haga
Thank you for your kind review. Your comment encourage me, and my feeling to want to improve my English became strong more and more. Thank you so much!
I am disappointed at my writing today. I should be more careful.
I'm glad I received the clear answers from you. The suggestion about the usage of 'persist' is also helpful. I hope to work with you again. Best regards, piou
Dear Julia Vivian, Thank you very much for your correction and message! Many Japanese people like "Kill Bill", a Quentine Tarantino's movie, in which you can see a lot of strange Japaneseish culture. Although it might cause a huge misunderstanding about Japan, people are really fond of it because we can feel how the director loves Japan. Again, I really appreciate your help as always. Best regards, Ayako Nara
Dear Julia Vivian, Thank you for explaining me the use of the verb "aim". I understand when the verb "aim" is used as a transitive, it's direct object is limited to the things that is thrown or shot. Targets cannot be direct objects of the verb "aim", so I have to put appropriate preposition after it. It is so difficult for me to memorize which words are intransitive and which words are transitive. I will keep my effort to improve my English. I hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend too. Best wishes
Dear Julia Thank you for reading my article. Your feedback motivates me a lot! I'm going to try writing in english as much as I can. Best, Mittkun
Dear Ms. Julia Vivian, Thank you very much for your clear explanation. I understand why it is incorrect to use "in" in my sentences. Now, I can see that the sentence "the man wears a white kimono in his upper body" means that a white kimono is inside him! It is a obvious mistake. I appreciate your kind and clear explanation. I will continue my efforts to be able to use prepsitons correctly. Best wishes