Dear Susan-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am glad you are my tutor. I look forward to working with you. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya
I’m grateful for your excellent suggestions. I’ve learned a lot from your various alternative expressions. I’ll do my best to expand my vocabulary. I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again!
I’m grateful for your excellent suggestions and clear explanations. I’ve learned a lot from your feed back this time too! I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again.
Thank you.
Dear Susan-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am glad you are my tutor. I look forward to working with you. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya
I apologize for the late reply. I’m grateful for your excellent suggestions and explanations. Unfortunately, my wife suffered a terrible adverse reaction. I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again!
Dear Susan, Thank you very much for your feedback. Best regards, Orange0103
Thank you.
Thank you for correcting my English! Also, I appreciate for you giving me a lot of alternative expressions. Kind regards,
Dear Susan Thank you so much for correcting my work and your revision is very useful and helpful every time! I hope to see you again soon.
Hello, Mx. Susan, I appreciate your great advice!
Thank you.
Thank you for correcting my essay. You gave me a lot of useful suggestions! It was really brave of you to have laser-eye surgery, because I am not certain whether I could stand the pain the surgery causes.
Thank you.
Thank you.