Dear Ms. NicolaJH I'm good. thank you. I'm sorry that you are in very warm weather. your job is only IDIY? Sorry, My last sentences could make no sense. It due to shortfall of my consideration. As I mentioned before, my off-day is every Tuesday. It mean that I work at weekend. I hope you have good day and comfortable weather. take care Ryo
Dear Nicola Thank you for your correction, that's informative. I felt your literacy is very high. Please continue to help and enhance people who can not write an English. This is your mission. Best regads, Koremura
Dear NicolaJH Thank you for correcting my assignment. I'm surprised to see my assignment has really improved. I'm really glad if you could check my assignment next time. Have a good day. Koty
Hello Teacher NicolaJH Thank you for your checking and giving me your story. You already knew the donation, didn’t you? It’s a really nice activity, isn’t it? I have a friend who has lost her hair. Though I want to do something for her, it’s quite difficult to to make real action. Thank you so much. Please check my sentence again. Kind regards Yasu
Thank you for correcting my sentence to be natural. It help me a lot.
Dear Ms.Nicola Thank you for your message, telling about you life at yesterday. Your dog is very happy dog. I want to walk with you , although I do not like walking. At my childhood, my family had a dog and she was so cute. but this is because I did't like a walking, I always had took my dog for a short walk. some decades ago she passed away, I still regret it. I do not play a musical instrument. I am not good at playing it. I like listen classic music. I want to listen your playing flute. I hope your good day and have cool weather. take care best regards Ryo
Dear NicolaJH I'm good, thank you. Thank you for correcting my sentences. I am sorry to hear that It is quite warm in your city and recent bad weather. I did not know about Chubu-cullet Corporation. Since I would not like to writing "I don't know" for the question of this theme, I found out this company by surfing net. Thank you for telling about alternative natural sentences, it is very helpful for me. I wish you have a good day today and you can feel comfortable . Take care! Best regards Ryo
Thank you for correcting my sentences. I learned some new words from your correction.
I appreciate that you correct my English so fast. I can study English everyday.
Thank you for your corrections and kind advises. I chose some Japanese sweets. I wanted to eat haha.
Dear NicolaJh historical epic movies have more touch scenes than action movie. thank you for you correcting my sentences. it is very helpful for me. good night. take care best regards Ryo
Dear Ms. NicolaJH I have good day. Thank you. Shinkansen is operated across the japan. Even Hokkaidou and Kyushuu island have the Shinkansen. But its cost to ride is expensive and it is similar with cost to take a plane. Do you have a car? do you use often public transportation ? Thank you for your correcting. It is very helpful. I wish you have good night Take care Best regards Ryo
Dear Ms. Nicola I'm good. Thank you. Thank you for your is very helpful. I'm sorry that you have bad weather. I hope you have good day Take care Ryo
Dear Ms. NicolaJH Hello ~ how are you? Thank you for your correcting It is good for you and your dog to be in cooler weather. Today is busy? Today is my off - day. I wish you have good day and comfortable. Take care Best regards Ryo
Thank you always!!!