Dear Emendatio, Thank you for your correction. When I wire a compound sentence, using a conjunction, I have to write each subject, right? But I don’t sit I’ll understand the difference between a compound sentence and a compound predicate. Maybe I will make mistakes and understand it gradually. Please correct it, you may be a bit upset, though. I would appreciate your correction again. Sally
Thank you!
Thank you for your message and other example!!
Thank you for your message!!!
This topic was difficult a little for me, but I'm glad to read your kind reply. Thank you again!
Thank you for your comments. Especially for ‘behavior’ and ‘behaviors’, my English-Japanese dictionary doesn’t explain the difference clearly, but Oxford English Dictionary does. Your comment is helpful. Regards, Takayuki
Thank you for reading my short essay again! Your advice about countable noun is very helpful.
Thank you for your advice and suggestion. I will try to rewrite this topic to improve my writing. Regards, Takayuki
Hi, Emendatio, Thank you for your correction and explanations. I learned a lot from them. I am very happy to learn new things about grammar. It’s so exciting. See you soon! Sally
Thank you for your helpful advice as always!
I'm grateful to your massage this time. I wrote it to prepare for the college entrance examination. I'll try to write English sentence more fluently. Thank you for your kind instructions! Sincerely,
Thank you for your kind comments and correction.
Thank you for your kind review. I would like to continue improving my English. Thank you so much!
I am impressed that you suggest that I use “historic present” tenses. Seems to be difficult for me to use but it’s interesting and want to try it more frequently. I learned a lot again. Best regards, Takayuki
Dear Emendatio: Thank you so much for your corrections. Your corrections sounds always professional. I do not think I can do the same thing even in Japanese. Thank you so much! Sincerely, Anna