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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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  • Beginner
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  • Teaching License
TEFL/TESOL certified.
Experienced English proofreader/teacher/tutor from the US, living in Japan.
My favorite hobbies are music and weightlifting. My favorite country is Japan, where I live, although I'm from the USA and have family and many friends there. My most interesting visit to another country (besides Japan) was to South Korea in 2011. The highlight of that vacation was visiting the DMZ border of North Korea, which was a very intense experience.
Message from the instructor
My text correction style is somewhat minimalistic, unless a "drastic change" or "formal," etc. is requested, as I do my best to preserve customers' words and ideas, and although I'm strict about grammar and punctuation, I also try to be as intuitive as possible so that my corrections don't result in failing to get the point across that they're trying to make.
  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I learned a lot. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I learned a lot from the step-by-step process you showed. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Yuki89


    Thank you for correcting my essay! The word “understandably” is a totally new vocabulary for me since “It is for that~” is a template for English learners like me. I would like to use it next time. Also, your explanation of the difference between “cannot” and “ could not” was easy to understand. When something is most likely to happen in the real world, “ can not” sounds more natural. I almost automatically used “could not” before. I learned a lot. Thank you for all the explanations!!

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your detailed feedback as always. Choosing right words is always challenging to me and fun to study!

  • Yuki89


    I learned the difference between “serve” and “work” and the use of several prepositions. Also, I am glad you pointed out that there is a too much leap in a sentence and that makes it difficult for readers to understand. I will be careful not to put too much information in one sentence next time. Thank you for sharing deep insight about English!!

  • ana0324masa


    Thank you so much. I really appreciate your detailed explanation.

  • Chito37552


    Hello Tom-sensei Thank you for sharing your melting cost story. Yes, that happens to everyone. Sometimes it cause skin burns. I’m relieved you were not hurt by that. My mother will repair the dress for her. We will buy some clothes at a shop tomorrow. And your explanation is very kind und useful. Thank you again.

  • Yuki89


    I learned a lot about the usage of article. Also, which tense you choose, present or past, changes nuances of sentences. Thank you for the easy-to-understand explanation!!!

  • makomako2023


    Dear Tom Thank you for your feedback. I'm very interested in story about "shio ramen" and " shio tare". I found the fun to learn different languages.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your detailed feedback and suggestions to make my sentences correct and natural!

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. Also, I enjoyed reading your comments. I’m sorry to hear that you are facing a tough time right now. I hope you will find a good job. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • lightgrey91485


    Thank you for pointing out my misuse of "as" intended to mean reason. I hadn't realised my mistake until you corrected it. My dictionary says that "as" for the meaning of reason is used at the opening of a sentence and we need to separate two clauses with comma. I understand comma is anyways necessary. Thank you again for your detailed explanation. Have a nice rest of the day.

  • daidai107


    Dear Tom, I also apologize for the late check of your feedback. Thank you for correcting my English. I also appreciate your complete job. I could learn how to use an auxiliary verb in hypothetical sentences! kind regards, daidai

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.


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