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United States
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • American English
  • Beginner
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  • Teaching License
TEFL/TESOL certified.
Experienced English proofreader/teacher/tutor from the US, living in Japan. Dear customers, I apologize for extending my request deadline from 72 hours to five days, and now to even seven days. Unfortunately, I have a lot of business to take care of, and I would rather give customers the option of choosing me or someone else than limit the number of orders I will accept. I will probably get many done early anyway, and I will try my best to do so. However, the deadlines for already-submitted orders will remain the same. I can't change them anyway, and even if I could, it would be very unfair, especially if someone urgently needs their order completed by a specific date or time. So, don't worry if you've already submitted an order.
My favorite hobbies are music and weightlifting. My favorite country is Japan, where I live, although I'm from the USA and have family and many friends there. My most interesting visit to another country (besides Japan) was to South Korea in 2011. The highlight of that vacation was visiting the DMZ border of North Korea, which was a very intense experience.
Message from the instructor
My text correction style is somewhat minimalistic, unless a "drastic change" or "formal," etc. is requested, as I do my best to preserve customers' words and ideas, and although I'm strict about grammar and punctuation, I also try to be as intuitive as possible so that my corrections don't result in failing to get the point across that they're trying to make.
  • ryosukebee1


    Thank you. Since I was in Hiroshima, there were no problems caused by the earthquake. Hopefully, you’ll be safe too.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and comments as always very precisely. I’m looking forward to practicing English with you in the new year!

  • makomako2023


    Thank you very much. Your correction helps me to learn English!

  • ryosukebee1


    It's fun for me to read your comments, many drunk people experience circle on Yamanote line. However, I've never seen foreign travelers do so. Thank you for your work. Have a happy new year!

  • gorichan


    Dear Tom, How are you? I'm happy to hear from you again here. Thank you for the amendments you made on my submission, I especially appreciate the detailed explanations for every single correction. To my surprise, you are kind enough to look at the previous submission and give me additional advice as below. "because" should NEVER begin a sentence when it's describing something from the preceding sentence. Reading and understanding your message is not easy for me, so, I think I couldn't understand all of them(sorry), but they motivated me to study hard. For example, I don't know how to use commas. I tried to learn from the reasonings you wrote. I will keep in my mind this one, " Introductory clause has to be followed by a comma" The sixth sentence, I wrote " I think that human beings are one of natural creatures." The reason why I added "one of " before "natural creatures" may be just direct translation from the sentence in Japanese that I often speak, meaning that we are not different from natural creatures (wild animals, birds, fish, insects and others) that were born to live in nature. Sorry, this comment disappointed you, but I'm looking forward learning from you again. Until then take care and have a good winter break. Yoko

  • sae2018


    Dear Tom, Thank you very much for always correcting my writing. Your very detailed explanations are always very helpful and I really appreciate them. I hope you have a happy new year too! Best regards, Sae

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback with detailed comments and insights that I truly want to learn!

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your corrections and suggestions. I always appreciate your detailed explanations. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • mashroom


    Dear Tom sensei, How are you doing this weekend? I appreciate your advice and kind message. Have a nice weekend! Mashroom

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I learned a lot! I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • beige77039


    Thank you for your many messages. In the fact, I noticed the message system today. I carry out a review of my writing.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and informative comments as always!

  • Nao2023


    I am happy to work with you again. Your comments were very helpful.

  • Nao2023


    Thank you for correcting. That was very helpful.


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