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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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  • Beginner
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  • Teaching License
TEFL/TESOL certified.
Experienced English proofreader/teacher/tutor from the US, living in Japan. Dear customers, I apologize for extending my request deadline from 72 hours to five days, and now to even seven days. Unfortunately, I have a lot of business to take care of, and I would rather give customers the option of choosing me or someone else than limit the number of orders I will accept. I will probably get many done early anyway, and I will try my best to do so. However, the deadlines for already-submitted orders will remain the same. I can't change them anyway, and even if I could, it would be very unfair, especially if someone urgently needs their order completed by a specific date or time. So, don't worry if you've already submitted an order.
My favorite hobbies are music and weightlifting. My favorite country is Japan, where I live, although I'm from the USA and have family and many friends there. My most interesting visit to another country (besides Japan) was to South Korea in 2011. The highlight of that vacation was visiting the DMZ border of North Korea, which was a very intense experience.
Message from the instructor
My text correction style is somewhat minimalistic, unless a "drastic change" or "formal," etc. is requested, as I do my best to preserve customers' words and ideas, and although I'm strict about grammar and punctuation, I also try to be as intuitive as possible so that my corrections don't result in failing to get the point across that they're trying to make.
  • violet52897


    Thank you for the corrections and your comment. It’s good to hear your opinion about the topic. I will keep trying.

  • indianred80768


    Dear Tom, Thank you for checking my essay and giving me a lot of helpful advice. I can easily understand your point about my errors with your comment. I'll keep learning English with your advice in my mind. Best,

  • viola77151


    Thank you for your correction! I read everything you wrote. I think you spent so much time to correct my sentences. I’ve learnt English by speaking, so I don’t really understand the grammar. The details you explained in the correction have helped me a lot. Thank you for your help :) I will definitely request you again!

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your detailed comments and suggestions as always. They give me a lot more colors to choosing words and forms!

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and comments as always. I sometimes wonder how I should use punctuation properly and your guidance is very much helpful to understand deeper.

  • nao-sc


    Thank you so much for your valuable feedback. I truly appreciate the detailed explanation, and I'm very pleased to have received it.

  • Ebiharumaki


    Dear Tom, I really appreciate your detailed comments. I’ve never had such a long and sincere advice! I’m glad to hear that you have got interested in shodo. Best regards, Ebiharumaki .

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you, as always.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and detailed comments as always. Articles and prepositions are always challenging for me to use properly, but I’d like to continue to practice this year!

  • rambutan68936


    Thank you so much for understanding the content and correcting my essay with deep thought. Your explanations about sentence structure and the importance of the semi-colon were very helpful in my studies.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback on my sentences and comments about what we’ve had during the New Year holidays. The flight of my family back from Okinawa to Japan on the very same day was canceled and we had to stay another couple of days; however, we managed to fly back safely luckily!

  • nao-sc


    Thank you very much for your great checking. Your review was very thorough, and I found it to be highly informative.

  • Masa.K


    Dear Tom san, Thank you for your correction. I recognized my shortage of lfandamental grammar of English and word spell. I owe your correction. I want to say thank you again, gentleman. From now on I need your surpport. Best regards, Masa

  • Masa.K


    Dear Tom san 明けましておめでとうございます。 Thank you for your correction. I was moved and I reviewed it several times. From now on, please help Japanese people who cannot write in English. I believe this is your mission in your life. Best regards, Masa


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