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Native speaker Cambridge CELTA (September 2012) Currently working towards the Trinity Diploma TESOL
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旅行をして、現地のカフェやバーに行ったり、たくさん歩くのが好きです。 ボードゲームが好きで、コレクションしています。
Message from the instructor
私はイギリス人で英語のネイティブですが、日本語での説明も行えますので、英語専門家としてもアドバイスが可能です。 英語での説明に不安があるけれど、ネイティブにチェックを依頼したいお客様は、ぜひご利用ください。 5年以上の講師経験から、日本人の間違えやすいポイントなどよく理解しておりますので、わかりやすく説明いたします。 皆様の英語学習のお力になれるようサポートしていきます。それぞれの目標に向かって、一緒に頑張りましょう! As a learner of Japanese, I have discovered the importance of production as much as input and as a teacher of English I like to promote this view to my students. The more you use English the more you can enjoy communicating, experimenting and having fun. I always encourage my students to discover English, connect the dots, and allow them to make mistakes, rather than simply explain everything. I love to see that "aha!" moment in my students eyes when a piece of the puzzle falls into place.
  • wakaran



  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Stupot, Thank you very much for your clear and helpful suggestions. I understand how I could have expressed better. Have a lovely day!

  • ast165


    Dear Stupot, Thank you very much for your detailed explanations and various suggestions! It was surprising that your alterations were exactly what I was trying to express in my writing! You helped me to write more concise and clear sentences. I also found your joke about the usage of present perfect was interesting and helpful. Your message encouraged me, too. I’m truly looking forward to work with you again soon! Ast165

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction!!

  • Hikaru440


    Dear Stupod, Your edits and explanations were very helpful. I learned a lot from you. Thank you very much! Hikaru

  • tamarind21215


    非常に分かりやすかったです。根拠もクリアで、スッと入ってきました。 またお願いしたいです。今後どもよろしくお願いします。

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Stupot, Thank you very much for your really helpful feedback! You taught me more natural expressions even if there weren't grammatical mistakes in my writing (or there were too). Please take care, and have a lovely end of the week!

  • Hikaru123



  • telescope


    Thank you very much.

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Stupot, Thank you very much for your clear and detailed feedback! I learned many ways of saying and techniques in order to improve readability and to write natural sentences. Your explanations were very helpful to understand them. Please take care, and have a lovely week!

  • hit-me


    Stupot様 この度は丁寧な添削をありがとうございました。 ネイティブの先生ならではの添削をしていただけとてもうれしいです。 今回お直ししていただいた中でもとくに1行目のwhichの使い方、 参考になりました。whichひとつで文構成が変わって意味まで変わってしまうのは 要注意ですね~! 質問させていただいていた「そろそろ」につきましても 教えていただいてしっくりときました! 辞書も活用しつつ英語でニュアンスを考えて書くようにする練習を もっと取り入れたいと思います★ ほかにもそうなんだ!という発見がいっぱいありました! ありがとうございます。 また次回も添削をよろしくお願いいたします(*^^*)

  • SYK


    Thank you (^^)

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Stupot, Thank you very much for your really helpful feedback! I understand how I could have expressed better and more naturally. You gave me a lot of tips for me to write better in the future. Thank you!

  • nakayumi55


    Dear Stupot, Thank you very much for checking and correcting my writing in detail. I learnt a lot of things. For example, I was able to understand how to answer against “would you mind if ...?” Before I knew that, When I asked, I said “yes”, even though I did not mind do that. It was opposite. In addition, I learnt how to use “would”. I thought if I make a polite sentence I should use “would”. However, I understood that it was also wrong. Once again, I appreciate your kind comments and informative advice. I will keep it work! I hope you have a pleasant week!

  • Naoko_


    Stupor先生、添削いただきありがとうございました。 お礼のメッセージが大変遅くなり申し訳ありません。 現在形の用法、とても興味深いです。 何気なく使っていましたが、使える機会はこんなに限定されるのですね。これから、注意してみていこうと思います。 また、no longer やno choice but toも、ぜひかっこよく使えるようにしていきたいと思います。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。 ありがとうございました。


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