How long did it take all of you to run around the stadium? It took about 4 minutes.
Thank you very much! I think story time is a very important for kids. I would like to have it more for my kids next year.
Thank you very much for your advice! "Beaujolais Nouveau" is very common in Japan, but I think it is only in Japan. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thank you so much!
“ I am not sure about your sister's arrival at the zoo at noon; is this her habit, to arrive late?” I believe she and her husband don’t like getting up early.
Thank you so much.
Dear Ellie Thank you so much for your corrections and advice. I'm glad to learn the expression," while pulling my dog from a leash". Moreover, your advice is so helpful for me. I appreciate your kindness. yoshiko2019
Thank you so much for correcting my writing! You are really kind and your suggestion is helpful for me. I didn't know Zara is spain's company! It's just a coincidence! I look forward to having next correction.
“Afterwards, our daughters and their daughters put chopsticks, plates and so on on the table,” It’s a typo. It should have been written “our daughters and their grandma.”
Thank you !
Dear Ellie, Thank you very much for your reply and helpful advice. I always have a lot of things to express. However, it does not go well. So I will try to keep studying!
I really appreciate your fantastic comments !
Thank you very much! Children ate SOFTMEN only for school lunch, and we can't eat at any restaurants. In addition, it was already over and children don't have opportunities to eat it now. You might find the picture, if you google "sofutomen for japanese school lunch". Have a good weekend!
Thank you very much.
Thank you for your nice advice!