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Master of Arts in English; N1 Japanese Language Proficiency test
I am available every day, and I usually respond within 24 hours.
I enjoy reading (especially Harry Potter and Haruki Murakami), writing (fiction as well as academic papers), playing piano, playing video games (especially Japanese RPGs), and studying the Japanese language. My favorite country that I have visited is Japan! There are so many amazing things to see in your country!
Message from the instructor
I will be happy to help you produce clear, accurate English compositions while giving you additional information on how English works. I appreciate how difficult it must be for Japanese speakers to learn English, and so I will try my best to help you learn the language's complexities. I pay very close attention to details. In particular, I am sensitive to small nuances in meaning. I have studied some Japanese (although I am still a beginner), so I have an idea how different the two languages are. As a result, I can sometimes see what the original intention was according to Japanese grammar, and I can try to find a natural English equivalent. I am available to correct texts any day. I will be able to correct the text within 24 hours.
  • tomo2022


    Thank you for all your clear corrections and encouraging messages!

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy to learn you say “ 5 metes of snow” as a noun phrase.

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy to learn it’s better to say “ in my area” in the second sentence.

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy to learn the verb phrase “ clear out.”

  • ana0324masa


    Thank you so much.

  • Uetty


    Thank you for your checking.

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy to learn the phrase“ open the book to the page.”

  • Yubin


    Thank you for your kind and accurate corrections!

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy to learn the appropriate verb “ interrupt” before “ my well-regulated lifestyle.”

  • yukiko220419


    Hello David, Thank you for your neat correction and useful advice. I wasn't logical in the part of GDP and I noticed you were all right sticking to write on national budget there. It was so informative for me. Also the sentences you showed as the demonstration were so useful: especially, "In this study, we examined to what degree financial wealth is related to happiness." In this case, I've learned "to" is always with "what" coming from the end of sentence originally, although it doesn't seem the object of "examined". Great ! I am still writing English with the translation from Japanese, so I will study how to say naturally in English more. For example( I think you speak Japanese well, if not, let the following alone ) <incorrect>Measuring the scale of happiness, S+V 幸せの尺度を図ること(は)、~ < correct > Measuring happiness on a scale, S+V 幸せを尺度で図ること(は)、~ The languages are interesting in that both Japanese are correct and have the same meaning. So I've learned this kind of case happens.

  • Kazu2020


    Thank you for your heartful message!

  • momoindah


    Thanks for your proofreading!

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy that my composition was almost perfect.

  • minefumi


    Thank you for your super fast edition. I am happy to lean “ the present perfect” is better in the first sentence.

  • ana0324masa


    Thank you very much.


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