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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • Beginner
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  • Advanced
BA (Hons) in Creative Studies in English and Cultural Studies (2002) Open Polytechnic Diploma Information and Library Studies (2017) Writer's Bureau Certificate in Proofreading and Copy Editing (2018) TEFL Academy TEFL Qualification Level 6 (2019)
I am highly qualified. I have a diploma in proofreading and copy editing and I have a creative writing degree. I am also a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language. I am kind and patient. I have had many years experience working with students and clients of all ages and abilities. This makes me very approachable and able to cater for a client's specific needs and requirements.
Writing is a real passion of mine. I am a self-published author of a children’s novel. I am also an avid reader, who enjoys all genres of fiction and non-fiction. I enjoy keeping fit and regularly engage in hiking, cycling, running and yoga. I have traveled extensively and enjoy meeting new people and experiencing different cultures.
Message from the instructor
I can communicate well at all levels and ages. I am kind and patient.
  • goldenrod43960


    Thank you very much for the corrections and explanations. I learned a lot from your suggestions for rephrasing.

  • lavender46516


    Dear Emily Thank you for corrections. It's easy for me to understand your explanations, such as words of alternative ( settle, cope with, handle, gain , increase etc). Thank you very much. From Lavender46516

  • Daichi1030


    Thank you very much again for super kind and detailed editing! I can learn a lot of subtle atmosphere difference from your comment. One of my targets is to learn to make unique stories in English. IDIY and your comments are really effective for that. Anyway, Thank you! See you again!

  • Daichi1030


    Thank you very much for your quick and precise advice! I also like humor and comedy as well as English, so that I sometimes feel like mixing such atmosphere with my writing, hahaha. I will keep improving my sense of humor and English! Thank you, see you again!

  • RoyMaru


    Dear Emily, Thank you for your assistance in correcting my writing. Corrections you've made makes sense to me, and I feel I learned a quite few things. Thank you once again, and it'll be nice that if you can work on my writing again! Best,

  • Chito37552


    Hello Emily sensei Thank you for your explanation.

  • makomako2023


    Thank you for your advice! It's useful and easy to understand.

  • takeeri


    Thank you for your help and messages. I have a lot of words I need to check dictionary when I translate and I have not remember many ideoms yet. I'll keep trying to pass Eiken Pre 1 so Please help me a lot.

  • violet52897


    Thank you for your helpful advice, Emily. I am looking forward to proofreading my English again soon

  • hmuromin


    Thank you for your correction, which made my text more meaningful. I would like to continue to work on improving my writing skill.

  • violet52897


    Thank you Emily. Your explanation was very clear. I will be happy if you can check my English again soon.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your suggestions were easy to follow and helpful!

  • lily2452


    Hello, tutor Emily, Thank you very much for correcting my sentences. They became more direct and natural! Thank you. Have a nice day!

  • makomako2023


    Thank you very much. I can learn many things from your comments.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your feedback was easy to follow and helpful, as always!


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