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BA (Hons) in Creative Studies in English and Cultural Studies (2002) Open Polytechnic Diploma Information and Library Studies (2017) Writer's Bureau Certificate in Proofreading and Copy Editing (2018) TEFL Academy TEFL Qualification Level 6 (2019)
I am highly qualified. I have a diploma in proofreading and copy editing and I have a creative writing degree. I am also a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language. I am kind and patient. I have had many years experience working with students and clients of all ages and abilities. This makes me very approachable and able to cater for a client's specific needs and requirements.
Writing is a real passion of mine. I am a self-published author of a children’s novel. I am also an avid reader, who enjoys all genres of fiction and non-fiction. I enjoy keeping fit and regularly engage in hiking, cycling, running and yoga. I have traveled extensively and enjoy meeting new people and experiencing different cultures.
Message from the instructor
I can communicate well at all levels and ages. I am kind and patient.
  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. Your detailed suggestions were easy to follow and very helpful as always!

  • ie1133


    Teacher Emily san Thank you kindly for your promt response and other edits and explanations you extended. They are kind and informative, among which I'm interested in next ones. "the “good personal hygiene” issue" because "the " defines and modifies a noun, therefore "issue "is required. How logical English is! "due to the fact that the rules could not be kept as scheduled" This phrase sounds me smart, I like it. Mr.IE

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. Your detailed comments were easy to understand and very helpful as usual!

  • ie1133


    Teacher Emily san Thank you for your kind answer and "consideration." you put on your edits. I see the natural flow of the preposition "by" and the clearer meaning of "for up to." "I will be very grateful if you can send me this information,” I love this sentence. "Dear, title and last name would be particularly appropriate if you had never met the person." I see , that interests me very much. Best regards,

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were very detailed and easy to understand!

  • ie1133


    Teacher Emily san I’m grateful for your responses to my questions which are specific and easy to understand. And I find your other edits and explanations informative and interesting. For example, the way of using"return" and "response" interests me. The former is an act(tangble? or physical?) and the latter is a verbal or written answer. Best regards,

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were very detailed, easy to understand, and helpful! When I wrote this essay, I didn’t notice I used a double negative. I should have been more careful.

  • JUNn


    Dear Emily, Thank you for your corrections. Your feedback is very helpful! Warm regards, JUNn

  • ie1133


    Teacher Emily san Thank you for your kind and informative edits. I see, the undertone of "pay for" is associated with money, and that of "provide", "yield"or so is connected with to make or to bear. I prefer the verb "yield" because this word may have something to do with a mystery where something comes from nothing. Thank you again and best regards,

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. Your feedback is always really helpful for me. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Hikaru123


    My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. Your feedback is really helpful. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Kcomcom


    Thank you for your work!

  • ie1133


    Teacher Emily san Thank you for your prompt answer. You mentioned "… the exact adjectives that can be used like this are not related to a grammatical rule, …" I see your point. What matters is collocations, not grammar. Natively natural usages are the final targets every learner is striving to reach. You wrote also "…the phrase "a fair share of tax" does not adequately explain the action involved in this idea." I recognized this phrase was vague, but I couldn't come up with other one. I'm delighted to read"…the idea of big companies paying a "fair share" of tax. " I'm inspired by the way of using present participle"paying." Best regards,

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your suggestions. Your explanations were easy to understand and helpful as always!

  • UT


    Hasta la vista,teacher Emily!


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