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  • Exam Preparation
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  • Teaching License
  • Beginner
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  • Advanced
BA (Hons) in Creative Studies in English and Cultural Studies (2002) Open Polytechnic Diploma Information and Library Studies (2017) Writer's Bureau Certificate in Proofreading and Copy Editing (2018) TEFL Academy TEFL Qualification Level 6 (2019)
I am highly qualified. I have a diploma in proofreading and copy editing and I have a creative writing degree. I am also a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language. I am kind and patient. I have had many years experience working with students and clients of all ages and abilities. This makes me very approachable and able to cater for a client's specific needs and requirements.
Writing is a real passion of mine. I am a self-published author of a children’s novel. I am also an avid reader, who enjoys all genres of fiction and non-fiction. I enjoy keeping fit and regularly engage in hiking, cycling, running and yoga. I have traveled extensively and enjoy meeting new people and experiencing different cultures.
Message from the instructor
I can communicate well at all levels and ages. I am kind and patient.
  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • moriyan4950


    Thank you for correcting. I'll keep my best.

  • Tiddler


    Thank you! Compliments motivate me.

  • Tiddler


    Thank you! I will explain good in other words next time.

  • mashroom


    Dear Emily, I appreciate your advice! Have a wonderful weekend! Mashroom

  • ie1133


    Dear Teacher Emily san Thank you for your correction. The alternatives that you extended are very informative. I'll take care when I use "which"or "that." Thank you again.

  • mashroom


    Dear Emily, I appreciate your advice! Have a lovely weekend. Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your detailed feedback! It was easy to follow and very helpful as always. I’m sorry for my late reply. I got COVID-19 last week, so I couldn’t check your message.

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I look forward to taking your lesson again!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your detailed feedback. It was easy to follow and very helpful as always! I will try to use the phrases you introduced me to change the level of formality.

  • ie1133


    Dear Teacher Emily san Thank you for your prompt edits and answers to my questions. Your advice is very informative and helps me learn natural English. "Have a family" instead of "hold a family" is new to me. I have never assumed that "hold" didn't fit in this context" because, judging from the translation in Japanese, "hold" is more suitable. The way for me to become a advanced learner is for IDIY to provide me with such chances as you extended to me this time. Am I using " the way sytax" right? Best regards,

  • mashroom


    Dear Emily, I appreciate your advice. Your explanation was easy to understand, and the alternative sentences you suggested ware helpful for me. Have a lovely weekend. Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. It was very detailed and easy to follow. It’s still difficult for me to tell whether a noun I am using is countable or uncountable, so your suggestions were helpful. Thanks again!

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. In the last sentence, I wanted to say “I need to secure eight hours of sleep.” I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Hikaru123


    My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I look forward to taking your lesson again.


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