Hi Isabel, Thank you for advices ! Best wishes for your successful 2022. Best regards, lightgrey91485
I apologize for the late reply. I’m so grateful for your excellent suggestions and explanations. I’ll keep doing my best. I’m looking forward to taking your lesson again!
Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were clear and the alternative expressions you taught me were helpful. Fortunately, I recovered from the stomach flu by Christmas and enjoyed the dinner!
Thank you!!
Hello Ms. Isabel, Thank you for your explanation!
Dear Isabel, Thank your for your reply, It helps me to understand correct writing!!
Thank you for correcting my sentences.
Dear Isabel-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your prompt response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am glad you are my tutor. I look forward to working with you. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya
Dear Isabel-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your prompt response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am glad you are my tutor. I look forward to working with you. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya
Hi, Ms. Isabel, Thank you for correcting my sentence and answering my question. Canadian are great since both UK and US English can speak! Your suggestion was helpful for me. I'm looking forward to working with you! TANITAI.
Hi Ms.Isabel, Thank you for your detailed and kind comments. I’m looking forward to asking for your help again. Sincerely, goldenrod69104
Thank you for your correction! I learned a lot.
Thank you for correcting my sentence. Concepts of singular and plural are difficult for me because there are no them in Japanese. But I'm gradually getting them these days. I'll keep the good work. I'm looking forward to working with you again.
Thank you for your detailed comments. Sample sentences you have recommended would be helpful for me, too! I'm looking forward to asking you to review my work.
Hello Isabel, Thank you for your correction. You always make me aware of something new. I will keep to try do my best to improve my English. Best Regards, Hirano