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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Beginner
  • Kids
  • Advanced
  • British English
  • American English
  • Teaching License
  • Australian English
I currently work as a teacher and lecturer in the UK, offering lessons in-person and online. I am TEFL Certified. I have a university degree in Communication Studies, gained at Suffolk University in the UK.
Hello! I’m Geoff from London. I specialize in teaching English as a foreign language to clients who are studying for IELTS and TOEFL, as well as those who simply wish to practice their written or conversational skills. I ensure that my corrections are easy to understand and I always give detailed explanations which will help to build your confidence when writing and speaking English. I pride myself on my accuracy and attention to detail. I return all orders within 24 hours. I am dedicated to my work, and I have received a great deal of excellent feedback from my clients. I would love to help you with your English studies.
My hobbies are reading, photography and drumming. I love to travel and experience different cultures, lifestyles and languages. I am married and have two children; a boy and a girl. They are adorable and so much fun. We currently live in the UK, and we have been lucky enough to experience many amazing adventures all around the world. I have lived in Australia, Africa and the US and we spend a great deal of time in France. I also enjoy listening to music, swimming and cycling.
Message from the instructor
Hello! I would really enjoy an opportunity to assist you with writing text in English. I am a TEFL certified teacher with advanced teaching skills and a detailed knowledge of, and love for, the English language. My teaching style is encouraging, friendly and supportive. I pay incredibly close attention to detail and I always ensure that my corrections are natural and easy to understand. I always respond quickly, and I take great pride in my work. I have lots of great feedback and I would love to offer my support to you! Kind regards, Geoff
  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for your corrections and messages.

  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for your corrections and message.

  • sea82354


    Thank you very much!

  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for corrections and message.

  • seagreen62022


    Thank you for checking my sentence. Very helpful for me Have a nice day Best wishes

  • Okadasan


    Dear Geoff, Thank you so much for kind corrections and explanations. I enjoyed learning what I did not know from you. By the way, I heard there are bluebells that were imported from UK long time ago and grown in some limited parks in Japan. I would like to see the flowers someday. Thank you and kind regards, Okadasan

  • junya17


    Thank you!

  • mashroom


    Dear Geoff, I appreciate your advice. Your explanation is very easy to understand and helpful. Have a nice day. Mashroom

  • Okadasan


    Dear Geoff, Thank you so much! I have enjoyed learning a lot of expressions from you, as always. I am looking forward to my next opportunity to seek your support again. Kind regards, Okadasan

  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for your corrections and messages.

  • Natsusaku


    Dear Geoff, Thank you for your corrections, detailed explanations and suggestions. They were very useful. I will pay attention to the writing for proper nouns. See you!

  • junya17


    Thank you.

  • Hiromi.S


    Dear Geoff, It is a pleasure to meet you again. Thank you very much for amending my writing. I will review well with the edition and refer to future writing. I hope you have a good day and stay healthy. Best Regards, Hiromi

  • orchid84900


    Thank you for your polite commentary. I understand the reason very well!

  • Satoshi_1990


    Thank you for your kindly support.


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