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United Kingdom
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Beginner
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  • British English
  • American English
  • Teaching License
  • Australian English
I currently work as a teacher and lecturer in the UK, offering lessons in-person and online. I am TEFL Certified. I have a university degree in Communication Studies, gained at Suffolk University in the UK.
Hello! I’m Geoff from London. I specialize in teaching English as a foreign language to clients who are studying for IELTS and TOEFL, as well as those who simply wish to practice their written or conversational skills. I ensure that my corrections are easy to understand and I always give detailed explanations which will help to build your confidence when writing and speaking English. I pride myself on my accuracy and attention to detail. I return all orders within 24 hours. I am dedicated to my work, and I have received a great deal of excellent feedback from my clients. I would love to help you with your English studies.
My hobbies are reading, photography and drumming. I love to travel and experience different cultures, lifestyles and languages. I am married and have two children; a boy and a girl. They are adorable and so much fun. We currently live in the UK, and we have been lucky enough to experience many amazing adventures all around the world. I have lived in Australia, Africa and the US and we spend a great deal of time in France. I also enjoy listening to music, swimming and cycling.
Message from the instructor
Hello! I would really enjoy an opportunity to assist you with writing text in English. I am a TEFL certified teacher with advanced teaching skills and a detailed knowledge of, and love for, the English language. My teaching style is encouraging, friendly and supportive. I pay incredibly close attention to detail and I always ensure that my corrections are natural and easy to understand. I always respond quickly, and I take great pride in my work. I have lots of great feedback and I would love to offer my support to you! Kind regards, Geoff
  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Hi Mr Geoff, You are genius! Yes! "to achieve enlightenment" is the phrase I was looking for. I found "to close to ideal" in the dictionary. Thank you so much for teaching me English. See you soon. Best wishes, Mari

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Hi Mr Geoff, Thank you for your compliment and detailed explanation. I'll see you soon. Best wishes, Mari

  • yuki_temprasuki


    Thank you! I learnd a wide range of expressions in English.

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Dear Mr Geoff, Thank you so much for suggesting me sophisticated phrases. They sound very academic. Best wishes, Mari

  • thistle38038


    Thank you for your checking my first composition. Please continue to give me your support.

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Hi Mr Geoff, Yes! I wanted to say "Even though". I like the sentence "In Japan, we consider the shoes that we have worn outside to be dirty, so they must be taken off at the entrance." Thank you very much for teach me English. Best wishes, Mari

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Hi Mr Geoff, Thank you very much for your detailed explanations and suggestions. I am going to read them many times. Best wishes, Mari

  • firebrick93692


    Thanks for your prompt review. Kind regards,

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Dear Mr Geoff, Thank you very much for your thoughtful words. Yes! I have had a very nice Mother's Day. Our children made me a branch- They let me slept in ;) I enjoyed reading your suggestions. I found those very useful to write something next time. Thank you for teach me English. Best wishes, Mari

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Hi Mr Geoff, I didn't know there are two different words "secondly" and "secondary" at all. It was a this week's No1 discovery. The second was "an internet sensation". I'll work hard on "a, an, the". Thank you for teaching me English. See you soon. Best wishes, Mari

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Thank you very much!

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Thank you so much for giving me detailed information. I should have upgraded my contract earlier!

  • junya17


    Thank you for correcting my essay

  • Mari-fuchsia500


    Thank you very much for explaining “a” and “the”. I thought I understood the difference. But I didn’t know that when I wrote something, I was making a lot of mistakes! I’m so lucky doing this editing survive with you. I can tell my English will be better soon!

  • MatildaMercutio


    Thank you very much.


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