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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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  • American English
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I attended the University of the West Indies and I currently hold a BA degree where I majored in Global History, minored in International Relations. I also possess a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and TEFL Certificate.
I provide very detailed and easy to understand explanations to the text contents. I am also very motivating, encouraging and polite in my explanation delivery and I promise very quick and efficient text correction service all day on the following days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I love to read, watch movies and tv series, listen to music, hangout with friends and watch sports, especially athletics and football. My favorite shows are "Law and Order", "The Flash", "Supergirl" and "Power." My favorite football teams are: Chelsea, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich. So far I have visited the USA and I currently live in China.
Message from the instructor
I provide very detailed and easy to understand explanations to the text contents. I am also very motivating, encouraging and polite in my explanation delivery and I promise very quick and efficient text correction service all day on the following days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • atsumi0702


    Thank you very much!!

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 3rd sentence, I learned the word "backwards." I will use it in the next chance. Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I will carefully decide which to use the prepositions "in" or "at." Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the phrase "small amounts of food." I will use it in the next chance. Best regards.

  • Yoyoyo


    Thank you for your corrections. I’ll keep on trying! Thank you!

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the difference between "feel ill" and "feel sick." I will use each of them properly. Best regards.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 2nd sentence, I learned that putting comma before the word "today" in the sentence made the meaning clearer. I will use commas in the right way. Best regards.

  • atsumi0702


    Thank you very much!!

  • atsumi0702


    Thank you very much!!

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and corrections. It is another good exercise to describe daily scenery and I will make use of it. Tomoo

  • lime89007


    Thank you for your immediate correction. I've got phrases to make better sentences by your skillful advice. I will try to use the words of which is more natural meaning "come back" or "return" in my sentences. Again, I appreciate your help with me.

  • makototoro


    Thank you so much for your corrections and explanations! According to the 1st sentence, I learned the difference between "put on" and "wear." I will use each of them properly in my future diary entries. Best regards.

  • Yoyoyo


    Thank you for your corrections. I should express like “ take charge of” in this case. I’ll keep it in my mind. Thank you very much!

  • yoshimi158


    Thank you for your good review. Your message made me positive. I'll try to write again and send you. Thank you very much.

  • Aimee20


    Thank you very much for correcting my sentences the other day. I couldn't came up with the word of " temporarily suspend." I learned a lot from your comments and alternative sentences. Thank you again for your help.


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