


Native language:
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United Kingdom
Dominican Republic
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • British English
  • Beginner
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  • Advanced
Bachelor of Principles of Education and Methods of Language Education (Magna Cum Laude) TEFL/TESOL Certificate (Grade A) BTEC National in Business and Finance (Passed with Merit)
Hello! I Hope you are your family are well. I am looking forward to being your guide on your language learning journey. See you soon! :-)
I love learning new languages. I am fluent in Spanish, French and Haitian Kreyol. I am also passionate about meeting new people and teaching them valuable life skills, such as English! I have lived in the Dominican Republic for the last 20 years. It is most definitely my favorite Country in the world. However, I've not yet visited Japan!
Message from the instructor
I will help you to understand the reason behind my corrections, but my main focus will be to build your confidence in your language skills and encourage you to speak English like a native.
  • wako38


    Thank you very much for correcting my writing. You always help me.

  • wako38


    Thank you very much for correcting my writing!

  • wako38


    Thank you for correcting my writing. Thank you very much for your kind words. You've been very helpful. See you later. wako38

  • uglifruit26118


    Thank you!

  • nmkh


    Dear Roo90, Thank you very much for your corrections. I really enjoy expressing my thoughts on various topics and hearing yours as well ! Yes! I'll improve my "bad" habit as soon as possible : ) Kind regards, nmkh

  • cheesemaru


    Dear Roo90 Thank you very much for your helpful suggestions. I understood a difference between "Join" and participate." Thank you!! Kind regards, Cheesemaru

  • nmkh


    Dear Roo90, Thank you very much for your corrections and suggestions. I found it very interesting to write on this topic! I'll see you soon with my other texts. Sincerely, nmkh

  • Noboru_Tsuzuki


    Dear Roo90 - Many thanks for your amendments and comments. I will chew the to soak in my body. Thanks, - Noboru

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and corrections. Yes, in case the fire was caused by a forest fire, it must be so hard to put out! Tomoo

  • wako38


    Thank you very much for correcting my writing again. I made a mistake writing it in the last sentence! “Karin” is Japanese, and it means “quince”. I’m all mixed up. Take care of yourself. See you later. wako38

  • wako38


    Thank you for correcting my writing, and thank you very much for your kind words. I will keep reviewing it over and over again. See you later.

  • royalblue29861


    Thank you so much. Your proposed correction helped me to get to know a verity of expression.

  • cheesemaru


    Dear Roo90, Thank you for your helpful suggestions and kind comment. I'll keep up working! Thank you. Best regards, Cheesemaru

  • uglifruit26118


    Thank you!

  • Noboru_Tsuzuki


    Dear Roo90 - Many thanks for your amendments and comments. I will chew them to soak in my body. Best regards, - Noboru


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