Hello florianna, Thank you for your correction and message! I enjoyed reading your opinion very much, which helped broaden my vocabulary also. Please have a lovely day and I am looking forward to the next time. Miho
I study French at school.
Thank you always for your thoughtful response to my question. I am always happy to read your comment.I am also happy you agree that in our free world there are things we should think of. In your comment " I think it makes the world "not a free world" if people think they are free to think of harming people..." Does it mean something like bad people like terrorists limits our action like traveling?
Thank you for correction
Thank you for your reply and sorry for the late reply. I understand first sentence, it is not "might has limit to do automatic." but "it might have limits when it comes to doing things automatically." In the modern world, we can't live smoothly without technology. Anyhow, I think your mother is great to try using cellphone! I guess she needs courage to get cellphone which is unusually gadget for her. She will learn how to use cellphone, so I will also try to study English like your mother! Thank you again for your polite reply!
Thank you for your correcting. I wanted to write about American English terms, 4th grade, so your corrected sentence was fit for my opinion. いつもありがとうございます。
Hello florianna, Thank you for your correction and message. I appreciate your insightful comments on the topic and my writing. I'm glad to know you listened to the song, since I like the way Morrissey sings, which made me noticed how beautiful English sounds are. Please have a lovely day! Miho
Thank you very much for your message.
I discover that "we look dream and enjoy it from being obsessed with celebrities" from your comments. Thank you!
Thanks for polite correction and lot of comments every time. My favorite pasta shape is spaghetti, and flavor is peperoncino!
Regarding the last question's answer, I am alway happy to read your long and sincere comment on my essay. Although your comment is sometimes difficult for me perhaps because your English is the way real native speakers speak which I am not familiar with, I am so pleased that I print out and read it many times. You do not need to be sorry that you respond to my question late because I understand that it takes a long time for you to respond to me with such a long and sincere comment. Instead, I always appreciate your long and sincere comment on my essay.
Thank you very much
Thank you for your helpful advice! Fortunately, I love eating and I'm always happy while eat. So, I'm thankful for people who make vegetables and breed animals. In Japan, farmer is decreasing because farmer is hard work. They achieve great job. No problem to late your reply. English is my hobby. That's why, I'm not to require early, but I enjoy your reply. Thank you again!
Thank you for your comment on my essay. You are like a pysvologist as you tried to understand why I have become twisted. It was a bit difficult for me to understand your comment, so I read it many times. However, there are still some parts I am not sure what you wanted to say.
I was glad to know that you do the same thing as I -trying to get points. I was also glad to know your local supermarket "Sainsbury"and "Nectar card" as I could know the situation of your country's supermarket. I try to go to the supermarket when it is a point day as I try to save as much money as possible.