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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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  • British English
  • Beginner
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I worked for many years as a lawyer, administrator and law teacher. I now grow and sell bonsai and unusual and exotic plants.
My days for non-requests are Wednesday Saturday and Sunday. I am happy to deal with requested orders on any day.
I am a keen gardener and love watching a wide range of sports. I also enjoy cooking and travelling.
Message from the instructor
I love reading customers' work and seeing the progress being made. I like to suggest new vocabulary and ways of expressing ideas to help you maintain good progress.
  • 02ttomo11


    Thank you for your courteous correction.

  • Momo2021


    Thank you for your polite correction. I learned a lot.

  • Orichan


    Thank you for correcting my sentences.

  • gorichan


    Hello, Ali. How are you? Thank you for the corrections you made on my essay. I'm glad to read your nice comments. In the second sentence, you wrote "technically they would have to clear a quantity 7 million times as large to eliminate the current amounts." I checked a dictionary and understood why you added some words, but still I'm not sure some, I assume "they would have to clear..... " is a conditional, meaning "if they try to eliminate all, they would have to clear...." In the 3rd sentence, " this would take", I assume.... "during the time if the non-profit group practice their clean up work " If I tried to write both by myself, it would be too difficult to write correctly."Restore to..." in the last sentence, I think "restore" is a good choice, but I wonder "to" is needed? I enjoy reading your detailed amendments, they are very helpful and informative for my English study. Thank you. I hope to see you soon again. Best regards. Yoko

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and corrections. They helps me to improve my writings. Tomoo

  • asteroid80607


    Thank you so much for the advice you gave me.

  • blueyard1989


    Thank you very much!

  • gorichan


    Hello, teacher ali. It's nice to see you again. Thank you for the amendments you made on my essay, and your nice message makes me so happy. Anyway, It's wonderful. The sentences you wrote for me are beautiful! They sounds real living English. ( I hope you understand what I mean to say) I like them. The every single sentence and wording teach me a lot. I'm gonna read them many times to learn the native sounding and the natural flow. It's Christmas eve in Japan. Have a wonderful Christmas time. Hoping to see you soon again. Yoko

  • gorichan


    Hello, ali. How are you? Very sorry for the late reply, and thank you so much as always for the amendments you made on my essay and the nice comment. I like these expressions; "which have huge price tags" "unscrupulous people out there" I hope someday I will use them. I don't understand this phrase; "the temptations of an advertisement for a product does not lead us to make a wrong decision." I guess.... it might say "a right decision", and which is my original idea. Hoping to see you soon. Yoko

  • gorichan


    Hello, Ali How are you doing? On the first sentence, you gave me "we do not have all the answers." that's interesting ,and that is exactly what I meant to say. For the second sentence, you wrote me a beautiful one to replace. I like it. On the last one, you added "we are not immune to the power of nature." "immune to~" is new to me. and the word"power" make the line much easier to understand. Thank you for the corrections you made on my essay. hope see you soon. Yoko

  • Oo.lochness


    Dear Ms. Ali, Thank you for correcting my English sentences. I learned from your corrections and suggestions for them. Best wishes, Lochness

  • hideaki.t060


    Thank you very much.

  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and comments. They are helpful to identify where I can improve my writing skill. Tomoo

  • starapple36815


    Thanks for your quick response.

  • atsumi0702


    Thank you very much !!


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