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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • American English
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I attended the University of the West Indies and I currently hold a BA degree where I majored in Global History, minored in International Relations. I also possess a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, and TEFL Certificate.
I provide very detailed and easy to understand explanations to the text contents. I am also very motivating, encouraging and polite in my explanation delivery and I promise very quick and efficient text correction service all day on the following days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I love to read, watch movies and tv series, listen to music, hangout with friends and watch sports, especially athletics and football. My favorite shows are "Law and Order", "The Flash", "Supergirl" and "Power." My favorite football teams are: Chelsea, Real Madrid and Bayern Munich. So far I have visited the USA and I currently live in China.
Message from the instructor
I provide very detailed and easy to understand explanations to the text contents. I am also very motivating, encouraging and polite in my explanation delivery and I promise very quick and efficient text correction service all day on the following days Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsha, Thank you for working for my entry. I enjoyed reading your explanations and learned a lot. I hope you have a good rest of the week. Best reagards, m-yoshiro

  • maracas80473


    Thank you for correcting my sentences many times into your beautiful sentences. I just realised this page accidentally. I am sorry I didn’t write down anything before. I always appreciate it.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsha, Thank you for working for my entry. I enjoyed reading your explanations which are helpful for me. I hope you have a great rest of the week. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsha, Hi thank you for working for my entry. Your corrections are very helpful for me. I hope you have a good rest of the weekend. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsha, Thank you for working for my entry. I enjoyed reading your explanations and learned a lot. I hope to work with you again soon too, and have a good weekend. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • Akihiro2022


    Thank you for your advice. I’ve never seen the word “magnificent.” I will remenber and try to use in writing.

  • satoshi.kojima


    Thank you very much!

  • 7ka4ma


    Thank you very much .

  • gorichan


    Hell, Marsha. How are you doing? It's nice to see you here again. Thank you for the amendments you made on my essay. Your nice comments make me so happy, thank you. You also gave me a lot of encouragements. On top of that, I'm happy to know that seemingly my writing makes sense to you. Hoping to see you soon again, bye for now. Yoko

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsha, Thank you for working for my entry. I'm pleased to read your explanations. I look forward to working with you soon again. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • slategray19829


    Thank you.

  • Yoyoyo


    Thank you for your corrections and kind comments!

  • Yoyoyo


    Thank you for your corrections and kind comments!

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsha, Thank you for giving me your feedback. I was pleased to read your explanations. They were very helpful to learn. I hope to work with you again soon. Best regards, M-yoshiro

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Marsh, Thank you for working for my entry. I enjoyed reading your explanations. They were very helpful for me to know how to improve my sentence. I hope to work with you again soon. Have a good weekend. Best regards, M-yoshiro


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