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I have a TESOL Certificate and 8 years of tutoring experience.
Hello, my name is Isabel! I will try my best to correct your writing carefully and thoroughly. I am meticulous about my work, and care very much that it is done well. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more explanations. :)
I love reading books and I want to write and publish my own novel someday. Some of my favorite stories are Anne of Green Gables, His Dark Materials, Six of Crows, and The Fifth Season. I am also interested in makeup, fashion, and watching TV. Right now, I am watching Frieren. I love traveling, and I have visited 12 countries. I haven't been to Japan yet, but I am very excited to go there as well. :) I really want to see the Ghibli Museum and eat delicious ramen.
Message from the instructor
Hello, my name is Isabel! I will try my best to correct your writing carefully and thoroughly. I am meticulous about my work, and care very much that it is done well. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more explanations. :)
  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. It was easy to follow and helpful!

  • ie1133


    Dear Isabel san Thank you for your understandable corrections. The following point interests me very much. "to be judged by someone with scientific knowledge" "to be solved by science" In Japanese, "judged by science" is a usual collocation. And "judged by someone with scientific knowledge" sounds persistent or wordy, lengthy. In English, "judge" by a person and "solve" by a study. On a second thought, English is stricter and more logical than Japanese. The action "judge" has a sence of human and only human can do it, while "solve" sounds wider and milder, including human and studies. Best regards,

  • ie1133


    Dear Isabel san Thank you for your informative and understandable corrections. "work together on a project" I love this collocation, which is easier and more understandable than that I composed. "crucial means very important." I see, this word is new to me, but it sounds me like a bad word because it makes me associate with the word "cruel." "This is called a misplaced modifier error." I see, this since clouse modifies time, therefore since clouse must be placed next to time word. "repetitive language doesn't sound very sophisticated." I see. I think that repetitions would sound much less sophisticated than I generally think in case of Japanese. "Distribution refers to dividing something between a group of people." I didn't think that distribution had a sense of dividing something. I understood it related with shipping. Now I see its meaning correctly. Best regards,

  • mashroom


    Dear Isabel, Sorry for my delayed message. I appreciate your advice. Have a nice week. Best regards, Mashroom

  • mashroom


    Dear Isabel, Sorry for my delayed message. I appreciate your advice. Have a lovely weekend. Best regards, Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. Your suggestions were easy to follow, and the alternative phrases were very useful, as always! I had so many exciting experiences in India that I want to revisit there in the future.



    ありがとうございます。 いつも幾つもの例を交えて添削をしていただき、わかりやすい解説付きでとても勉強になります。

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. It was easy to follow and very helpful as always! I’m sorry for my late reply. I went on a vacation to India for two weeks.



    Thank you for your answer. Your clear explanation helped me understand this word, thank you!

  • Kcomcom


    Thank you!!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your feedback was easy to follow, and the alternative phrases you offered me were very useful as always!

  • Kcomcom


    Thank you for your work!

  • satoshi97033


    I appreciate your polite explanations as usual. Have a nice day! Regards Satoshi

  • Kcomcom


    Thank you for your work!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback! Your suggestions were easy to follow and very helpful as always!


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