入試科目に英語エッセイがありましたが、Mr.Leahookのご指導のお陰で英語のライティングが大好きになったので無事に合格する事が出来ました。特にpreposition の間違いは何度もわかりやすく直していただきました。またQ&A Boxでのやり取りは毎回とても楽しみでした。ありがとうございました!Thank you sooooo much Mr.Leahook:)
Because I am tired, I seem to be able to sleep well.(お客様英文)
I am tired, so I should be able to sleep well.(添削結果)
I fixed some of the parts to make them more natural way of saying.(添削理由)
1) When we use “seem(s) to,” it does not refer to the future: it means that we have looked at something and seen how it looks in the present. What you want to say here is the future–”When I go to sleep, I think I will be able to sleep well.” That’s one possible phrasing, and I’ve offered another, “I should be able to sleep well.” You could also say “I’ll probably sleep well” or “I expect to sleep well,” among others.
2) In order not to begin two sentences in a row with “because,” I took it out here and changed the sentence to use “so.” The meaning is the same.
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